One thing leads to another

Maybe not in this case, but I’d like to think that the first is part of the reason they are taking so long

Concealed Pistol Permits Up 43% in Washington

In Julian Piercy’s mind, the small bulge in his shirt near his lower back is a way of “leveling a situation.”

The clip that he fastens to his waist band before leaving the house isn’t just another accessory. It gives him an option, he said, when all others are off the table and a life is on the line.

When he feels the pressure of metal on his back, it gives him confidence that he has a chance of protecting those he cares about most.

“As a parent, I am the first line of defense for my children,” he said. “Not the police.”

Piercy, a nursing student at Olympic College, lifts his shirt to reveal a .45-caliber Springfield XD, a black semi-automatic handgun that weighs about 30 ounces when loaded. He carries constantly with a few exceptions mostly when he’s on campus and prohibited from doing so.

Having carried in his younger days because, frankly, he could, Piercy, 38, has once again obtained a license to carry a concealed weapon and is getting used to the feel of carrying again.

“The gun doesn’t make me invincible, smarter, or tougher than anyone else,” he said. “It’s merely there as a tool.”

Damn straight, skippy. And if the hysterical bigots could put their supposedly superior intellect to work and see this, everyone would be better off.

Hysterical bigots, like this guy

Mayor Nickels Holds Off On Seattle Gun Ban

As summer began, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels said he was taking steps to prohibit guns on all city-owned property after three people were injured in a shooting at Seattle Center’s Northwest Folklife festival.

But as the Center’s summer festival season concludes with Bumbershoot this weekend, no prohibition has taken effect.

“It’s very complex. The city owns numerous properties citywide and in some areas outside of the city,” said Regina LaBelle, legal counsel for the mayor. “We are going through all of those properties and developing a legally defensible rule.”

The last quote should be read as “We are looking for a loophole that would let us deny people their civil rights and not be tossed out on it’s ear within 30 minutes by a judge.”

We’re not out of the woods yet on this ignorant idea of an executive order, but if Nickels gets shown to be a bigot towards a large number of Washington’s citizens, it might just go away.

If you’re a gunny living in Washington and don’t have your permit, get a move on. If our numbers increase faster than his lawyers can dissect the state constitution, we will win.

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