Double it

Folks, I may just have to move back to Seattle if he goes through with this.

Nickels announces plan to cut youth criminals in half

He wants $9 Million and he wants to start doing it by the middle of 2010. I guess the delay is that he’ll need to build a special abattoir for the task.

Fine with me. Hell, I’d support giving him $18 Million since this plan will probably make Seattle most crime free city in the nation. Hell, I’d support $36 Million if he’ll broadcast it on SPAN (Seattle Public Access Network).

When I used to live in Seattle, coming home in the morning and finding a ditched stolen car in front of the house ever two to three weeks was normal. Sometimes it was so stripped that I wondered just how they got it there without a roll-back flatbed truck. And this was in a well established neighborhood full of retirees and young working families.

Seattle is short on staff in the police department and they pay a fortune to King County to house the criminals they do catch in the county’s jail system, so I think this will be a win-win-win situation.

Oh, wait a sec.

He just wants money for “social programs” to cut “Youth Crime” in half.


Never mind.

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6 Responses to Double it

  1. BobG says:

    “Nickels announces plan to cut youth criminals in half.”

    The idea of cutting criminals in half appeals to me; will it be done by a machine, or a person?

  2. Phil says:

    Well, since a large number of the lumber mills in the area have been shut down, and since Nickels is so hip on recycling, I say we “recycle” the machinery from there.

    That’d be “green” (and red all over).

  3. Kyle says:

    The Weyerheuser mills in Everett, Edmonds and Federal Way are still there with most of the machinery intact. I’m sure that they could be re-commissioned for relatively little investment. Just throw ’em on the conveyor belt. Works for me.

  4. Joe Huffman says:

    Lengthwise or crosswise?

    And will there be live webcam coverage or at least YouTube videos?

  5. name goes here says:

    gimme a machete and i’ll do it for free.

  6. Phil says:

    Oooh! Ooooh! Lengthwise! No. No. Crosswise!

    Damn. I guess we’ll let them decide. It’ll add to the suspense for the audience.

    I love it! Webcams so we can watch it at work! Yessss!

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