Leaving the Field

In the comments section of my post from yesterday, where I quited the ranting out of respect for those who were murdered on September 11th, 2001, our good man Rivrdog says that even on that day, the fight goes on

You (and quite a few other righty stalwarts) gave up blogging yesterday on principle, leaving the 9-11 field to the enemy, and especially the kool-aid drinkers who think that 9-11 was all a Bush plot.

Can’t do that, my friend. The fight is 24/7/365.

Everyone has the right to their idea of how to spend the day, and I respect his.

I also have a firm belief in the idea that if someone is given enough rope, they will hang themselves.

And since everyone here knows how much I love a good hanging, I present what one of the bigger fish in the leftie pond had to say yesterday

You all know I’m a crank. So let me get cranky: I’m really fucking sick of 9/11.

It’s been six goddamn years. Can’t we move some of our energies onto addressing the devastation of Katrina?

Yes, it has been six years. And, yes, some of the things she finds annoying about what has happened in the US because of the September 11th attacks (airline security theater and delays in reconstruction) annoy me as well.

But I am not tired of remembering that this country got fat and happy and let some peckerwood with an overactive sexdrive and his hyper-ambitious wife run the country, sweeping this Islamofascist problem under the rug for the next guy, with ever increasingly costly results, culminating in the attacks of September 11th.

I give up one day to remember what life was like before that day, and to give those who hate the US more than anything else in the world the front and center of the stage to make asses of themselves.

The day was on par with the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania, the attack on Fort Sumter, the British burning Washington DC to the ground and the battle of Lexington-Concord. Real, actual shots heard round the world, and this broad is tired of hearing about it?

Well, sorry to choke your cherry dearie, but the stick up your ass has a stick up its ass.

Katrina was a weather event that didn’t even hit at the place whose dry existence below sea-level was only possible because of human meddling with the ecosystem, something I’m currently told is horrible thing by the Global Warming Death Cult Pontiff, AlGore.

September 11th was so monumental that she probably can’t even wrap her silly little head around it. Which is probably why she’s sick of hearing about it.

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5 Responses to Leaving the Field

  1. Emdfl says:

    And leave us not forget that contrary to the moonbat ideas regarding the main perp of 9/11, we KNOW that most of the outfall from Katrina was DIRECTLY the result of incompetant lib/dems who either didn’t know how to do their jobs or were criminally stupid.

  2. anti-revisionist says:

    So back in 93, Bush jr. was unaware that al-Qaeda had set off a van full of explosives under the World Trade Center? Was that still during his coke-snorting period? Or had his daddy told him that the Bin Ladens were all “real good folks”?

  3. Phil says:

    Curiously enough, oh ye of the anonymous post, I do not remember it being W who was President in 1993.

    Or are you impotently attempting to imply that Bush, as Governor of Texas could have stopped the multiple attacks for which Clinton made no reprisal, or should have known that we were going to be attacked with such force within 8 months of his ascension to the office, and therefore should have attacked OBL and the AQ boyz “pre-emptively”?

    I apologize, I don’t speak fucktard, so you’ll have to translate for me.

  4. Anthony L. says:

    I’m kinda hoping there is still time in 2007 to break out the sooper-secret halliburton hurricane diversion device and finish the job. Think of the billions we could save to funnel to Cheney’s oil buddies…

  5. Rivrdog says:

    Anthony L, I think that the eeeeevil haliburton just fired up the sooper-secrit hurricane diversion device. At least I’m sure that is the speculation we will get now as an unorganized Tropical Depression blew up into a hurricane near shore, and is now devastating parts of LA again (with rain).

    Phil, while you were respectfully declining to post, I posted, and got a selection of “Truthers” and a very persistent Paulian commenter who won’t take no for an answer, just like his evident hero.

    You’d think that these “Truthers” would follow the news, Fox at least of which has reported on Kahlid Sheik Mohammed’s confession to masterminding 9-11 (without CIA or POTUS help), and the Paulians who scream about “undeclared war” would consider the recent history of the world, in which there have been dozens of recognized conflicts, but not one single “declared” war in the last sixty or seventy years. For the Paulians, it seems that the idea of “declaring” wars has gone out of fashion.

    To help the Paulians out, I personally believe that we SHOULD have declared war on 9-12-01, against Radical Islam, defining it as any member or sect or division of the Islamic religion holding to convert-em or kill-em doctrine.

    Had we made such a declaration, we could have made a start on rounding up, as enemy combatants or sympathizers, most of the Jihadis who we will have to fight someday, right here in the US of A. That fight will occur regardless of who is in the White House.

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