Some Rights More Important Than Others?

Oliver Willis (Like Superglue to Stupid) has been making up more items for his Brand Democrat line on the subject of Medical Privacy stemming from, I believe, the Shiavo frenzy. The one that caught my eye was this one.

Of course, I don’t believe that the government should be involved in medical decisions either. Oliver and I actually agree on this. But that is about all. He, I’m sure, thinks that Socialized Medicine is also a right, which would put the government not only in charge of your medical decisions but give them direct access to your medical information.

But go figure. The logic just stops dead at the threshold.

But we’ll leave that alone for now because I want to point out his hypocrisy on putting the Right to Privacy issue ahead of other, equally important issues.

You see, like any good Democrat, Ollie is a gun bigot. He doesn’t like them, doesn’t want to see them or even hear about them. And yet, you and I have a right to own them that he would work towards stripping away from us.

So, in the vein that he has chosen this issue, Medical Privacy, and made his banner for it, I have chosen mine, The Right To Own Any Firearm I Choose To, and made my own banner.


(click for fullsize)

How does that one work for you?

If you like that one, take a look below the fold


Feinstein is just a gun bigot cow. I can’t help but use her image and words against her. Sometimes I wish I could stand living in her district so I could vote against her.

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One Response to Some Rights More Important Than Others?

  1. …and when the Senate, or even just part of it, thinks that any Bill that they vote on could abrogate the Second Amendment, their answer will come not in that Hall, not in the Courts, but in the streets, with ropes and bullets and fire.

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