Its All About Tolerance

As we all learned yesterday from Michelle Malkin’s blog, the folks over at the Klueless Kos Klan are absolutely positive that the new Pontiff, Benedict XVI, is a Nazi.

While I am not going to excuse him joining a horrible organization in his youth, I think that the last 60 years may have been enough to prove that he doesn’t have thing for killing Jews or invading foreign countries.

I know, call me crazy.

Later in the day, one of the Kossuckers actually found some common sense (actually I think it was falling from the sky and hit him in the head, seeing as how those Kos followers don’t actually look for much),

“Calling him a Nazi, however, is unfounded and unfair, and only serves to demean us.”

And was promptly shouted down,

Lefty Malone: “I’ll call him a nazi. Never once in his career has he denounced them.”

Heteraetcaetera: Let me see….
1. Hitler Youth = not a Nazi.
2. Wehrmacht = Not a Nazi.
3. Deserted when illusions failed.
4. Fished out and rescued by US diligence = Not a Nazi.
Hitler himself was a minor landscape artist. Why can’t you people remember that?

SqueakyRat: “They couldn’t find a Nazi. So they chose Ratzinger.”

Sausalito: Hes not my pope! Its one thing to jack-off or throw back a few too many. Its another to be a part of the Hitler Youth!!! Are you guys serious? I remember when the left was trying to say that Bush was shady because his family yada yada yada something to do with Hitlers family. This dude was a part of the movement

He was a nazi though. What the fuck else do you call someone who WAS a member of Hitlers youth militia? I am not saying he believed that shit but he did have a choice! You always have a choice even if death is the result.

And that is only about a third of the way down through the comments.

Remember, they’re all about Tolerance.

There is a John F’n Kerry joke in here somewhere.

But in all seriousness, if you need some entertainment today or later this week, try that thread.

But remember, the spew alert light is flashing.

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