It feels like a Monday

Howdy all. I hope you enjoyed the pics last week. I’ve got some emails from some very appreciative folks who are glad that their daily lives and their hard work are being shown to a wider audience.

As for today’s blog spread that I mentioned at the end of yesterday’s post, I just want to say that it won’t happen until at least mid morning PST.

First off, I’m still in the middle of banning and deleting at least 100 trackback spams that came in over the weekend. I don’t know what happened to Moveable Type’s program to help me out here, but seemingly it is ‘no workee no more’.

Also, I am tore up from the floor up after spending all day Sunday, from 0700 to 2300, running around a foreign land meeting with folks.


I have a doctors appointment at 0900 PST and hope to have the energy afterwards to put up some of the links I collected throughout last week for y’all.

Until then, thanks for stopping by early, have a good morning and come back for something that will either make you laugh or throw shit at your monitor.

Maybe both!

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