All About the Benjamins

I know this is an old item. Chalk it up to bad link management.

Commuters from out of state who take cars, trains and buses to jobs in New York have long grumbled about having to pay New York State income tax.

A ruling handed down on Tuesday by the state’s highest court found that the growing ranks of telecommuters from out of state must also pay.

The Court of Appeals ruled 4 to 3 that a computer programmer for a group of trade unions in Queens who works mostly out of his home in Nashville must pay New York State tax on all his income, not just on part.

The programmer, Thomas L. Huckaby, had argued that since he worked only a quarter of the time in Queens, he should pay New York tax on only a quarter of his income. But the court ruled that because the source of Huckaby’s income was in New York–and because he was in Tennessee as a matter of personal convenience, and not because his employer needed him to work there–he must pay tax on his full income.

The court seems to believe that since the guy’s employer benefits from NY state tax dollars, that he should fund every other New Yorker’s lifestyle.

Hold on tight to your wallets, telecommuters. If New York is doing it, you can bet your ass that some other state government that considers itself “Forward Thinking� will try it.

Found at Ravenwood’s Universe.

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