
That “progressives” want to bring the country down.

Now and again, American inequality is on display to the world. We saw it after Hurricane Katrina and we have seen it again in the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. A white police offer shoots dead a black man, after having stopped him for jaywalking. Britain’s police don’t have guns, so these scenes are unthinkable. But American-style inequality? We have plenty of that too, we’re just better at hiding it – as I say in my Telegraph column today.

I came across a striking fact while researching this piece: if Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US how would we rank? The answer is that we’d be the 2nd-poorest state in the union, poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi, and if you take out the south east we’d be poorer than that too.

They want us to be so much like Europe, both socially and economically, but the proof is in the facts that to do so would be to turn the individual states, and the U.S. as a whole, into a worse place than we already are.

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2 Responses to Proof

  1. Rolf says:

    Yes they do, and I finally found a reasonable explanation why.
    r/K selection theory.
    Wrote a short blurb about it here:
    *Random* predation helps rabbits, because it kills off their competition too, and rabbits breed faster.

  2. Sulaco says:

    Well, I am so glad that with the Brit Nelson’s total knowledge of the Ferguson shooting and making his decision on it we don’t have to worry our pretty heads any more about the facts of the case.

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