The Smells of Thanksgiving

Our soon-to-be-son-in-law is missing Thanksgiving this year because he’ll be on a spiritual exploration with his shaman in the wilds of Mexico. I don’t know the details but I’m guessing it’s very Carlos Castaneda. Anyway, daughter will be joining us for turkey day, but she’ll still be fasting, as one of the requirements is that his significant other/soulmate participate in the fasting, despite being thousands of miles apart. The key part of the fast is no salt intake. No big deal, right?

The other part, we just learned, is no bathing.

They started fasting tonight.

Thanksgiving’s in what, three weeks?

You can stop laughing now. Really. Not funny.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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8 Responses to The Smells of Thanksgiving

  1. Bram says:

    For real?

    Time to book a Thanksgiving vacation to an undisclosed location and lock the house up tight before leaving town.

  2. Tango says:

    No wonder you look forward to Boomershoot every year….

  3. Petey says:

    Fight the sunshine with rillette and foie gras.

  4. JeanneS says:

    As the mother of a grown daughter who has done similarly idiotic things, I feel your pain. Happy Turkey Day anyway.

  5. DaddyBear says:

    I suggest fixing the best Thanksgiving meal of your life. Something that smells good as soon as you get out of the car in the driveway.

  6. guy says:

    I think Amazon sells Febreze in 5 gallon pails now…

  7. BobG says:

    I was invited to a similar event years ago. It was a peyote ceremony that was held across the Mexico border. I had to decline, but I did consider it an honor that I had been asked.

  8. DirtCrashr says:

    My brother used to do weird amateur, ad-hoc theology shit like that – I think just to piss-off the one actual person who had been to a Real Theological College and received a PhD degree. (Dad). Unfortunately his “fast” required his consumption of uncooked garlic – until the personal BO index went scorching through the roof and we all told him to F-off…

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