Disability King

Modern version of the classic welfare queen but it will make you angrier.

We are visiting relatives in the Central Valley. If you read Victor Davis Hanson’s recent column about how this area has deteriorated, well, that’s what my wife fled to college to escape.

The goldmine in that environment is the mental-disability social services support system. As in, “Oh, she’s got money; her man gets a crazy check.”

I was chatting with a distant relative last night. He is a methhead with a long felony record, but never spent more than 13 months at a time for any of his convictions due to parole, probation, etc. In one case he got six years for seven felonies and then got out in six months by wangling his way into a drug rehab program.

Anyway, he is now due to get a $40,000 check because he is permanently disabled from all his meth use. Merry Christmas indeed! On top of that, he will get a $1700 / month disability check and another $1100 / month from his union for the rest of his life due to his “drug disability.” He is in his mid-fifties. You do the math. Crime pays, big.

Bah, Humbug! doesn’t begin to express my feelings on this one.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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6 Responses to Disability King

  1. Davidwhitewolf says:

    I should note that the $40k is apparently from the Feds (SSI?) and the $1700/month is apparently from the State of California.

  2. Mollbot says:

    Nice to see the State of California can afford to pay for that…

  3. Fiftycal says:

    Can you tell me how to contact this guy? I would luv to find out which “agencies” one has to prostitute onesself to in order to get that payout. And will he recommend me for membership in his union? I’m almost 60 and not a methhead, but for that kind of freebie, I could learn.

  4. AM says:

    The liberals want people like this to create “more need” for “more social services”.

    Screw them. Decriminalize drugs and let people kill themselves to their hearts content.

  5. Rivrdog says:

    Don’t expect this guy to use the money wisely. Dollar to a donut he blows it within a year on a bigger dope habit, and will blow his monthly stipend as well. If the do-gooders would only listen to old street bulls like myself, they would know that all we are doing with those “humanitarian” dollars is funding the dope cartels. Probably fewer than 30% of these benefit recipients actually use the dollars to put their lives back together.

    Once in my life, I thought I would be a novelist, so I got a good start on my first book, about the next great civil strife in the USA. I had that strife starting with sudden and uncontrollable banditry in the cities caused by a cut-off of this very funding mechanism, which violence engendered a vigilante reaction, which brought in the Government, who figured, wrongly, that the vigilantes were worse than the druggie-banditos, etc, ad crescendum.

    I quit writing at the point that I realized that I had, or was about to, cross the line between fiction and actual civil war planning.

  6. DFWMTX says:

    Let me guess, he votes Democrat too?

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