This Calgunner’s Got Balls… and Brains

LA Airport (LAX) has a police security checkpoint for cars nowadays. More and more cops in California are being trained to ask “do you have any drugs or weapons in your vehicle?” on even routine stops. This is how you answer them. Bravo, dude!

(I stop at the stop sign where the officer is standing)
Officer1: Hello, do you have any weapons in your vehicle?
Me: Sir, I have nothing illegal in my vehicle.
Officer1: (Strange look on his face) What? Pull over to inspection area.
Me: Yes sir. (I pull into the inspection area where the other officer tells me to stop.
(Two officers approached my vehicle, one on the driver’s side and one on the passenger side. Officer2 is on the driver’s side)
Me: (I roll down my windows slightly on both sides)
Officer2: Please turn off your vehicle (I do). Where you headed?
Me: To pickup a family member.
Officer2: We need to search your vehicle.
Me: Sir, I do not consent to a search. Please understand that I mean no disrespect, but I value my rights.
Officer2: (Says something to officer3 standing on the passenger side, then walks away.)
Officer3: Where are you going?
Me: To pick up a family member.
Officer3: We need to search your vehicle.
Me: Sir, I do not consent to a search.
Officer3: The window is not low enough, I cant talk to you through it. Lower the window.
Me: Sir, I believe it to be low enough, I do not consent to a search.
Officer2: (Returns to my vehicle) We need to search your vehicle.
Me: Sir, I don not consent to a search. Am I being detained or am I free to go?
Officer2: We’re going to escort you off airport property. We need to search your vehicle.
Me: Sir, I do not consent to a search. Am I being detained or am I free to go?
Officer2: (walks away grumbling something about getting a black and white to escort me.)
Me: Sir, can I have your badge number please?
Officer2: (Glances at me and walks away)
Officer3: We need to search your vehicle, you have to if you’re picking someone up.
Me: The road is not a sterile area. I do not consent to a search. Am I being detained or am I free to go?
Officer3: Well, umm. We need to..
Me: Am I being detained or am I free to go?
Officer3: (He’s looking around at the other officers and doesn’t answer my question.)
Me: Sir, am I being detained or am I free to go?
Officer3: Huh? Well… You’re…(Still looking around, stalling)
Officer3: You’re being detained.
Me: (Okay) Why am I being detained?
Officer3: It’s because… Well.. (Stalling)
Me: Am I being detained or am I free to go?
(At this point, another police car pulls up in font of my car with the warning lights on)
Officer3: Okay, you need to follow that police car off of LAX property.
Me: Umm, Ok. Sir, what’s your badge number. XXX, is that correct?
Officer3: Just follow that patrol car off the property. Bye. (He walks away)
Me: (I follow the police car through LAX, past some gates then onto century boulevard.)

I figured since they never told me to stay out, I could go to another entrance. After the police cruiser turned off to return to the airport, I made a few turns and tried another entrance. and get waved right through.

–Calgunner “armygunsmith,” in this thread.

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3 Responses to This Calgunner’s Got Balls… and Brains

  1. Derek says:


  2. Pop N Fresh says:

    somebody’s read up on his “You and the Police” By Boston T. Party, That’s about word for word from it

  3. ryan says:

    Understanding your rights is important. The way LEO’s frame that sort of discussion implies that you do not have the protections and choice you actually have under the law.

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