To the QotD (Part 2) just below
Fred Thompson on the latest HillaryCare idea
Said with exactly the right amount of vigor and humor.
To the QotD (Part 2) just below
Fred Thompson on the latest HillaryCare idea
Said with exactly the right amount of vigor and humor.
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Well any new health care idea should be questioned. But I don’t agree with Fred’s comment on the US having the best health care in the world. Health care is multi-faceted and while the US is great in some areas, it’s poor in others.
Check out these links:
I do agree that we should have choice, and actually like what is done in Australia. Basic health care is provided by the government. But anything beyond that is paid for by the individual and they get to choose who they buy that from. Friends in Australia, Germany, and Great Britain like how it is currently set up.
But that being said, it should be a choice if you want to take advantage of it and not mandatory (even to get a job).