To your 2008 predictions
GALLUP: Trust in Federal Government, On Nearly All Issues, Hits New Low
A new Gallup poll reveals that, as the organization puts it, Americans now “express less trust in the federal government than at any point in the past decade, and trust in many federal government institutions is now lower than it was during the Watergate era, generally recognized as the low point in American history for trust in government.”
Among the findings: Barely half trust the government to handle international problems, the lowest number ever. And less than half express faith in the government handling domestic issues, the lowest findings since 1976.
Faith in the executive branch has fallen to 43% — only 3% higher than it was just before President Nixon’s resignation in 1974. At the same time, trust in Congress, at 50%, is its lowest ever.
I amazed anyone has any trust in the government at all. Must have been on the bad side of the Bell Curve, I guess.