Saturday Leg-day

Hello everyone, Dr. Thai here again. The Professor has seen fit to shirk his weekend duties again, so I reluctantly agreed to fill in for him again.

So, let’s see what we have for you today.

The perfect calves? No, you’re not ready for those yet.

The best knees in the world? Pffft, like you’d know them if you saw them.

How about jawdropping thighs? Hmm, well, nope. Those have been known to end marriages.

What? You want pics of my former students?


Alissandra was a student of mine from 1996 through 1999 and has since gone on to a wildly successful career in Latin America. Particularly in those cheesy soap operas.

But hey, whatever stacks her pesos.

Stella graduated from my course Magna Cum Laude in 2002 and is one of the most popular models in the tattoo fetish scene in NYC.

The entire right half of her upper bosy is ‘painted’ as she likes to call it.

Tomorrow, I’ll feature exercises that would even put a nice set of thighs on that toothpick, Kate Moss.

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