Saturday, Do Nothing Day

You got it; I’m even putting off going to the range today.

I need to redo my 200yd zero, but that’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I’m beat.

That, and I have my old gun locker that I have to transform into a storage cabinet for parts and gun cleaning supplies. Then I have to move approximately 800lbs of steel that will soon be transformed into targets from one location, about 40ft to another, less conspicuous location. Then I get to replace a light fixture whose internal switch crapped out.

So I guess I’m not ‘doing nothing’ today, just nothing interesting.

Something that is highly interesting though is The Carnival of Cordite, out today to Resistance is Futile! This week’s edition is marked by me as ‘Required Reading’. Yes, there may be a test on it tomorrow.

There is vital info on the Louisiana Gun Grab that you will want to read as soon as you have a few spare moments today. Hit the links, cut and paste, print it out and highlight the pertinent info, then re-read it and put it in a 3-ring binder to be read again in a week.

I’m not even shitting you.

And since that is the most important thing I can find going on (other than the picture of Bush’s hall pass to the UN bathroom might be a photoshop job), I’m going to leave it at that and wait for the noise ordinance to go away so I can start moving that steel.

Rangeday tomorrow, babay!

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One Response to Saturday, Do Nothing Day

  1. MikeG says:

    Pin shoot tomorrow, how about doing your sighting in at CWSA after the shoot?

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