
It’s Sunday with Dr. Thai today and we’ll be covering exercises that will define the leg muscles, among others. There are plenty of things ladies can do to build the muscles in their hips, thighs and calves, but not all of them will give the desired results of a comely leg.

Leg presses, squats and calf curls are just a few workouts that will build strength in the legs, but if there are no toning exercises done, she’ll just have a set of Clydesdale legs. Sure, she’ll be able to pull you truck up San Francisco’s Lombard Street, but will your belt unbuckle without you touching it for them?

I don’t think so.

Throughout my courses, I have classes on work outs that will define the legs to a tone unseen by man before the late 20th Century.

We start the first year students out with a very basic stretch that must be logged for a minimum combined two hours per day. While the main goal is to create tone in the Sartorius muscle, it also helps with building and toning the abdomen and the triceps.

By the end of their first year, my students are generally pretty comfortable with the stretch and can complete it just about anywhere.

I don’t know whether it’ll be me or Professor Shirker, oops, I mean Booty, who’ll be here next week, but I’m here, you’ll probably see more work out pics. Have a good week.

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