Analog “Two Safes� Kid

I’ll be picking up my new safe today and I can barely stand the wait at this point. Here is close to what I’m getting (the safety specs are right, but I couldn’t find the exact one). Time to borrow the roto-hammer from work.

For those who don’t get the reference of the title of this post, click here.

The sad part is that what with my current safe full to the brim, this new one will be pretty close to full when it gets mounted to the concrete. So expect me to be getting another one within the next year or less. And I’ve got a real good place for that one (read: sneaky/invisible).

I’ve never been a fan of having ‘one big safe’. I’m of the persuasion who likes to have a couple-three safes secured randomly around the house. If you’re going to steal all my firearms, you’re going to have to work damn hard for a long ass time.

After the debacle at the Ford dealership yesterday and then going to work for 11 hours, I’m too beat to even finish the post I’m working on about the Katrina debacle. So far, it is six pages long as a Word document, and has around 30 links to the list of crap the local and state losership has bungled, all of which the blogging left has either ignored or discounted as minor compared to the so called ‘fact’ that W forgot to wear his Superman cape that week.

I’m not leaving him absent of fault, but I can’t find a reason to hang the man. I just really wish y’all could hear the local leftist radio shows here in Seattle. They’re quite serious with their calls for his impeachment for ‘criminal negligence’ in the matter and they are inches away from accusing him of walking through the Superdome and capping ‘poor blacks’ in the head with a Derringer.

I can barely stand to listen to it. But I do for some odd reason.

I’m seeing reports of firearms being confiscated from the empty homes and even the citizens of New Orleans all over the gun-blogosphere. Geek w/a 45 even has some video of it you might want to take a look at.

Considering that the wealthy folks in NO have their own private and armed to the teeth security, I don’t know what the legal justification is for this. Although, with martial law ordered, the BoR is suspended, so, I’m confused and not at all happy with it. I’m hoping someone there takes this to court. That’ll be one lawsuit from this situation (of the soon to be plethora of lawsuits) I’d gladly support and donate money towards.

My first instinct was that this is just another ploy to get folks to leave the town, just like stopping the delivery of food and water to people’s homes a couple days ago. BUT, and this is an Oliver Willis size but, from the video it doesn’t look like they’re giving folks a chance to leave before disarming them.

I would hate to have to shoot a member of our armed forces, but they are obeying what seem to be unconstitutional orders. If they came to my house and didn’t give me the opportunity to leave before demanding my firearms, I don’t know that I’d hold back.

Refuse those orders, gentlemen. Stand down. For everyone’s sake.

For everyone else, you have your hidden stash spot for your guns already, right?

Again, while I cannot stand to see any of this happening, there is nothing I can do from here in Seattle except support the lawsuit afterwards. So I’ll be pleased to see this tested in a court of law and hopefully have our rights reaffirmed so as to set a precedent.

On a lighter subject, I’ll have pics of the new safe up, probably Monday as well as the new rifle e-Postal Match.

I’m sure we all know what Sunday is, so there will be nothing from either Booty or Thai on that day. We’ll have a September 10th celebration day, our last day as carefree Americans, and then a solemn September 11th remembrance here at RNS.

So until then, stay sharp people.

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3 Responses to Analog “Two Safes� Kid

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Fox News put on Judge Neopolitano yesterday, and he gave the following opinion:

    1. The emergency orders as published do not give the authorities any trespass rights or right to evict persons from THEIR HOMES.

    2. The emergency orders as published only give the authorities control over the public areas, and that DOES include any are outside of your walls (even your yard).

    3. The emergency orders as published DO NOT SUPERCEDE the Posse Committatus Act, and the Federal troops may not assist the police in law enforcement functions such as arrest and detention.

    4. The National Guard troops of Louisiana DO have authority to assist the police in law enforcement functions, and that MAY OR MAY NOT include National Guard troops from other states.

    To the Judge’s list, I would add that the Fourth Amendment is still in force, as are the rest of the Amendments. No dwelling may be entered by force except pursuant to Probable Cause that a crime has been committed within, and the perpetrator is inside (exigent circumstances). Barring such exigent circumstances, the police (or National Guard) are required to obtain a search warrant specifiying the crime and alleged perpetrators, those items to be searched for and detailing the probable cause of the crime for which the warrant is being issued.

    The Judge stated that there is no way under current law that the government can issue a blanket order to remove people from their homes. The only way it can be done, as I see it, is to prepare a case that such dwellers are a danger to themselves, and have them committed BY THE EACH, NOT SEVERALLY, to the care and custody of the state. Such a committment cannot occur without due process.

    That’s the trick here: there’s not one whit of due process in anything that FEMA or the City or State people have done.

    There is NO suspension of individual rights currently, so DUE PROCESS IS REQUIRED.

    Each person who has had their firearms seized during a time of civil disorder and/or insurrection should file a lawsuit alleging intentional infliction of emotional distress, as well as the deliberate violation of civil rights that has occurred.

    Perhaps Mr. David Hardy, Esq., might set up a law firm to expedite the filing and pursuit of these lawsuits.

  2. geekWithA.45 says:

    A lot of folks think that under martial law or states of emergency all civil rights are suspended.

    That’s not the case.

    No authority to confiscate lawfully owned arms exists in Louisiana, even under states of emergency.

    Even full blown “Martial Law” isn’t a carte blanche.

  3. AnalogKid says:

    Thank you for the corrections, gentlemen. Then the bodies of National Guardsmen would line the outer rim of Firebase Analog.

    I’ve said it before and I will say it again: If you hear my guns have been taken, you will know I am dead.

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