Guess Who’s Back?

It is I, the one, the only, the irresistible, Professor Booty.

Ah-a! Bet you thought I was a goner, didn’t you? Never!

I have traveled the world and done wonderous things these past couple weeks. Though I cannot show or talk to you about “The ASSignment�, I can show you some of the things I have done.

My first stop was in south of France. What a fly infested waste of space. Even the beaches.

The women weren’t bad though.

Next up was Switzerland. Ahh, the fresh air, the beautiful scenery, the food! And we cannot forget the backcountry bicycle trips with friends.

She knows how to ride hard. Tired me right out.

After that, I traveled to Japan. I don’t think I can ever get enough of that island chain. From south to north, it just gets better with every miles.

Some folks need to keep better track of their shoes though.

I had to carry her back to the hotel.

And just because I felt like it, I made sure one of my stops in the US on my way home was Seattle. I didn’t tell the Kid though, I’m sure he would have some harsh words for me.

Hey Kid, I stopped by our mutual ‘Old Flame’ while I was in town.

She’s still a nutjob. Fun, but I don’t think she was even this psycho back then.

OK then gentlemen, that is it until next week. I don’t know when I can tell you about the point of my trip, but it will be soon. Stay tuned!

Same Butt Time, same Butt Channel.

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