The Soundboard

In coordination with my snark box, I am putting up a link to the song from which those words were ripped from.

If you don’t recognize them, here are some hints:

First off, listen to more rock music. Next, think of a three piece band made up of musicians who might as well be instrument playing deities to a good number of their fellow musicians. They have been around for a good long time and have released more albums than you can carry in two hands.

And in one of the oddest twists of life, while he commends their musicanship, Kim du Toit says that their music makes him jumpy.

Which is really too bad for Kim because I have a small stack of mix CD’s I plan on giving to the son & heir at the 2006 Boomershoot to listen to on the drive home and one or two of them might be a live disk from this band (because I’m a sick and twisted bastard).

Still don’t know who it is yet? Hmm, OK then, how about now that they’re past their 30th anniversary as a band the guitarist has psoriasis on his fingertips, the bassist has arthritis in his right hand and the drummer is almost legally deaf, yet they could still probably out play 95% of today’s so called ‘music artists’.

No, that didn’t help? Well then, you need to climb out from under that rock and put your mouse over the link below and click the ‘Save Target As’.

Click here

This was recorded live in Rio de Janeiro in 2003


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