I did the deed and paid the fee

This is a RNS Public Service Announcement

It is now official, SoftGreenGlow.Com is my own piece of internet real estate, paid up until Christmas. I am no longer freeloading off Nukevet Neal.

Wow. Very kewl. Except that I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.

Luckily, Hosting Matters is a great hosting company, so I don’t have to worry about that.

I think I’m going to have to learn at least a couple of the alphabet languages, which will end up being one of those things I should have learned a long time ago.

I am currently looking around for someone to change the design and help me redecorate the place, so if you know someone who does good work, I’d be interested in seeing their previous stuff. I may have to save up/pay over time, but I pay cash.

Yes, I am going to do something with TypeKey (most likely get rid of it) once I do that. The program works wonders with spam, both comment and trackback types (I literally haven’t had one for over six months), but it is a bear to work with on your end, as I understand.

When I paid the hosting service up, I also upped the server storage space. We had issues with that in the past and I don’t want them again, especially with Professor Booty becoming a regular figure round here (if he ever gets back from “The ASSignment�).

The Analog Wife saw what hosting costs and made a grumbly face. That was until I reminded her that blogging is cheap when compared to real therapy or ammo costs.

I’m also working on getting the archives put back in place.

So, if you stop by here and something looks funny/doesn’t work/nothing shows up, rest assured that the Analog Kid tried to go digital and messed something up. Stop back by later to see if I fixed it.

And please, no taking up a pool to see how long it takes me to screw something up. Don’t make me hurt you.

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