Whole Lot of Linking Going On

Busy, busy, busy putting Pac-Skin on every firearm I can find that could use it, so light blogging is in effect.

First we have Mr. Completely’s target entry for the Killiards e-Postal Match

Not bad at all AND he did it with a pistol at 50 yards. C’mon guys, you can do that with a rifle at 100! Last day to file is next Monday, August 22nd.

And don’t forget, if you’re in the Washington/Oregon portion of the US landmass, you’re invited to the Blogger Blastorama for August, being held in Portland.

Next up, John Shadegg, Congressman for the 3rd District in Arizona, has proposed HR 2458, The Enumerated Powers Act which would “require that all bills introduced in the U.S. Congress include a statement setting forth the specific constitutional authority under which the law is being enacted.�

You can contact your Congresscritter here and let them know you want to get this excellent idea a vote.

Otherwise, as Lee at Right Thinking says

“Right now legislators know that they can pass any law they see fit, and then when and if it gets challenged they can go poking around the Constitution and try to find some justification for the law after the fact. For this very reason I have absolutely no doubt that the Enumerated Powers Act will never get enacted into law.”

Call them today!

Moving on, Denise at The Ten Ring links to Hell in a Handbasket’s ‘Glock Leg’ post and has some words very worthy of a read on those particular pistols. I link to this as a former Glock owner (and I stress the word former).

I am also linking to it because of this very pithy phrase that I have not heard in a long time,

“You just have to stick your bugger hook into the trigger guard and pull that bang switch.�

Yeah, it’s funny cause it’s true.

Stefen Sharkansky at the local Sound Politics blog reminds me that I really should read the local papers more often, even though the wife hates it when I yell at the computer.

Last month there was an article in the Seattle Times on a program where city public swimming pools have regularly scheduled hours for the exclusive use of Muslims: “Preserving modesty, in the pool”

It’s Saturday evening, the end of a hot day, and a group of women and children have gathered at North Seattle’s Meadowbrook Pool for their monthly swim … The women and children — all Muslims — have been swimming in private once a month at Meadowbrook as part of a program organized by the North Seattle Family Center.

I made some calls and learned that the program, called “Muslim Sister Swim”, is treated by the city’s Meadowbrook Pool as any other private rental, which would be exempt from the city non-discrimination policy. However, the outfit that organizes and pays for the Muslim Sister Swim is the North Seattle Family Center, a unit of the Children’s Home Society, a non-profit that gets most of its money from various government sources. As such, it should strictly comply with non-discrimination guidelines. Nevertheless, the Muslim Sister Swim is open exclusively to Muslims, no infidel women need apply. I asked a representative of the North Seattle Family Center to explain this, and she told me that it was to respect these immigrant women’s culture.

Yeah, Seattle is definitely high on the list of the Sufi/Wahabbi sect’s “Easy List� and will probably see one of the next attacks from the Islamobastards.

There is an entry for the NSFW enjoying crowd. Head on over to The Grouchy Old Cripple (in Atlanta) to see Canada’s proposed new paper money. Made with the idea of making it religiously illegal for fundamentalist Muslims to handle it.

In the “I’ll believe it when I see it� category, The Interested Participant links to the story of a Singapore man who says he has developed a battery that runs off of urine.

Beer drinkers who leave their lights on in the bar parking lot rejoice!

And finally, in strange news that I misplaced the link to,

Doctors fear that the identity of a mysterious mute pianist found wandering on an English beach in April might never be known, a British newspaper reported on Monday.

Go read the story. Creepy-Strangeness. Found at Samizdata.

Have a good day folks!

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