Why the State Department exists

An uppity Italian judge has had 12 of our CIA agents arrested on kidnapping charges for allegedly capturing a Muslim cleric in Milan over two years ago.

Since it seems as though Powell’s boys forgot to let them know why we did it, my spidey sense is telling me that Condi or her immediate subordinate will be making a house call to Burlusconi and letting him know of the plot behind why the guy was taken into custody and that they’ll be set free.

Oh, and we won’t ever hear of it.

Of course, they’re crowing over at the Klueless Kos Klan about ‘another of Bush’s failures at foreign policy’ and how every other country on the planet hates America, yada, yada, yada.

One judge, Kos Kids, one judge. Look at what five our own judges did to us last week and remember, one judge did this.

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