Miraculous Turnaround?

Is ‘No Child Left Behind’ the best thing to come out of government or what?

The majority of states — 36 of them — say 80 percent to 97 percent of their high school students graduate on time, according to state figures provided to the Education Department.

Yep, must be.

Wait a sec,

Those numbers show “rampant dishonesty,” said Kati Haycock, director of The Education Trust, an advocacy organization for poor and minority students. The Trust reviewed the 2002-03 graduation rates that states had to provide this year.

A series of independent analyses shows the graduation rate across the states is closer to 70 percent, meaning almost one-third of students don’t finish on time — or at all. The nation’s governors have agreed, which puts their position at odds with their own state data.

It seems that the schools don’t know how to teach, but the administrators know enough math to fudge the numbers.

Does cheating still require expulsion? Because I can think of some people who have just earned a one way ticket off school grounds.

I love arguing the public/private/home school subject with liberals. When they accuse me of being too stupid to understand why public schools are the best thing on the planet, I just simply remind them that I am the average creation of a public school.

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