It’s Too Hard to Do It Right!

Still under assault here in Washington State under Democrat duress, we’re about to get a very ugly surprise.

Since our last Governor’s election showed that it is just too damn difficult for election boards to keep the felons out of the voting ranks, the Dems are proposing to just let them vote as soon as they get out of prison.

I guess they want to reward those who put Commisar Gregiore in office while punishing the honest voters.


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2 Responses to It’s Too Hard to Do It Right!

  1. David says:

    Aaargh! The worst part (for me) about the linked story is that they’re basing the idea on Oregon’s law.

    I’d always thought fondly of moving back to Oregon, state of my boyhood, when I retired — or maybe sooner. But now I think I’ll have to look more closely at what other screwy ideas made it into law in Oregon during my seventeen-year absence.

    Hell, even here in Kalifornia we’re smart enough not to let felons vote.

  2. David says:

    Dammit. Looks like Kalifornia does allow felons to vote once they’ve completed their sentence or parole. They do have to register first, at least .

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