No Comparison

While the leftwing and the media go on and on about Abu Ghraib, intelligent Americans continue about our daily lives knowing full well we are not what the left and the media call “just as bad Saddam�.

From what I like to call “Tim Blair’s Indispensables Department�,

The Army’s building every conceivable structure to make the place more secure and more livable. One big problem, though, is everywhere they dig they keep finding bodies. This place was a real Dachau, from what the locals say–you came here, you didn’t leave. We visited the old death row about a week ago. It’s a huge room, with a raised concrete platform with two trapdoors under two huge steel half-rings bolted to the ceiling, with a cleat on the wall behind to wrap the rope around. It’s painted over now, but on the wall opposite the traps (about fifty, sixty feet away) was a huge picture of Saddam painted on the wall, so the last thing you’d see before your neck stretched was his grinning mug. The only place in this place where grass grows is the area right behind the death-row cellblock. Wonder why.

I can’t think of anything else to say after that.

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