But look at their test scores!

Just like castro’s “100% Literacy� line is complete BS, so is the one that Canadian students test higher than American students and that the US should switch to an education system that, like Canada, spends more on education than on National Defense.

Nevermind the fact that you and I are paying for the bulk of Canada’s defense, but take a look at the education some of these students are getting.

Province to investigate school after student’s anti-Semitic report: Ministry responds to fear of Islamic schools becoming ‘incubators of hate’

Ontario Education Minister Gerard Kennedy launched an investigation yesterday into the “deeply disturbing” situation at the Abraar Islamic School after two teachers were suspended for their involvement in a young student’s writing project, which glorified martyrdom and violence against Jews.

Yes, I know this is a private school, but can you think of the last time a private Catholic school was investigated for its teachers promoting violence against Lutherans?

I would really like to see the test scores of this school versus a Canadian public school and an American public school of similar size and scope. What are those kids really learning?

Found at the Interested Participant

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