Happy Easter All

Yesterday, after I got home from finding the range closed for the day, the Sandman came along and whupped my ass until it was dark. Which is really too bad because I really wanted to shoot and I was thoroughly enjoying the typical Seattle weather while I was out in it. That is part of the reason I live here.

I did not notice any signs saying the range would be closed for the holiday, so I am going to try and put in some triggertime this morning before driving off to the Analog Mom’s house for some home cooked tasty stuffs.

As to my question on whether the item sent to me by Rivrdog was true or not, RNS reader “Just A Goober� handed off a link to Snopes who says that the base story is true, but that there have been a few embellishments in the current version. Thank you ‘Goober’.

I do remember the story now, though only faintly. 15 years and loads of embelishments to the story are what threw me off. But oh well, the criminal did get what he deserved.

I’ll be back tomorrow with my usual ranty goodness, but I’d like to leave with something I am creeped out over.

Hit this link to Nature.Com and watch the octopus pretend it is a coconut and WALK ON TWO LEGS!

Jeez, oceanic bi-pedalism. It must us nasty humans teaching them to walk like that. next thing you know, the octopi will want hot pants!

Link found at Boing Boing via A Bluegrass Blog

Whether you celebrate or not, I hope you all have a good Sunday.

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One Response to Happy Easter All

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    There was a very intersting show about Octopuses (Octopi?) and other cephalopods on PBS a while back, and showed an Octopus that appeared very clever. It was in a tank at a research facility, and in a nearby tank was a crab also being studied (which Octopus happen to consider as food). Researchers came in several times to find the crab dead, eaten – with little indication of how it happened until one night they rigged an infrared camera with a motion trigger.
    What they discovered was the octopus climbing down out of it’s tank, going across the floor and up into the tank of the hapless crab, and having a midnight snack. Then the octopus returned to its own tank.

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