The Biblical Flood, Explained

Asteroid. Indian Ocean. 600-foot tsunamis. Hand of God, indeed.

…What’s more, the Gulf of Carpentaria object was a skipping stone compared with an object that Abbott thinks whammed into the Indian Ocean near Madagascar some 4,800 years ago, or about 2,800 B.C. …The object that hit the Indian Ocean was three to five kilometers across, Abbott believes, and caused a tsunami in the Pacific 600 feet high—many times higher than the 2004 tsunami that struck Southeast Asia. Ancient texts such as Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh support her conjecture, describing an unspeakable planetary flood in roughly the same time period. …

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2 Responses to The Biblical Flood, Explained

  1. Rolf says:

    It’s amazing how many things in human understanding swing back and forth like a pendulum. Global warming, cooling, warming, cooling. Left-right-left-right. Static world, only catastrophic changes, static world, only gradual changes, and back to catastrophic.
    For much of human history, people largely though the world was static, except for divine disasters (such as Noah’s great flood). Then that got discarded in “scientific age” and people thought changes were gradual, and continuous, even when they got the causes or mechanisms wrong (such as Lamarckian evolution); at this time, they dismissed all things deemed sudden or catastrophic as wrong. The floods of were dismissed at first. Then, as we learn more, once again, we are realizing that sometimes REALLY FRICK’N HUGE PIECES OF SHIST REALLY DO HIT THE FAN!!!1! 8-0

    Fun to learn about. Fun to watch. Massive suckage to actually live through.

    Interesting side note – for a long time, we were told that the CFC-induced ozone hole had NOTHING TO DO with global warming. Everyone in the science community said that, both global-warmests, and CO2 “deniers” said that. Now, weeelllll. Maybe they DO have something to do with each other, and maybe CFCs have little to do with the ozone hole… Live and learn.

  2. Jim says:

    Catch a wave and you’re sittin’ on top of the world!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

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