Placeholder for a Dream

Rearranged the gun safes last night, which made me itch to get my rifles back in my hands from their temporary home up north.

Which led to this discovery.

I’d always liked Elmer Keith’s concept of a fast .338* and Weatherby honored it by adopting two of his .338 wildcats as the .340 and .338-378 Weatherby cartridges, respectively. The .338-378 is faster than the .338 Lapua by a bit, but because of that stupid Weatherby belt, it does not have the repeatable accuracy potential of the Lapua.

So this, I like.

And yes, I can likely get it in a left-handed version.

Sigh. Time to start saving again.


* Required for, you know, thick-skinned game like deer. 😛

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8 Responses to Placeholder for a Dream

  1. Mollbot says:

    You hunt more robust deer than I have personally encountered. Though Phil probably remembers Ivan, the gentleman who hunts elk with a .50 BMG Serbu boltie.

  2. Davidwhitewolf says:

    Well, that’s more a slight exaggeration of Keith’s opinions on the minimum cartridge for hunting than anything else. I’m guessing my .308 would be just fine for deer.

    I will note Ry Jones gets massive props for designating his .50 BMG as his “social” gun. That is, for answering the door and such. Any perp would probably burn to death from the flash before the blood loss and shock took effect.

  3. Mollbot says:

    .308 had better be OK for deer, otherwise all my work and time put into Glamdring will be for naught! Though I suppose it cooooooould pop a few boomers… that was its original intended purpose when I bought it 7.5 years ago. And now it’s almost complete! And I’ve still never made it to Boomershoot.

  4. Rolf says:

    Yup. Definitely going to have to make some “wannabe” patches.

  5. Davidwhitewolf says:

    Glamdring?! All right, this comment of yours — and that name — demands pics. In fact, I think a post is in order. We’re waiting….

  6. Mollbot says:

    Yes, I named my .308 rifle after the Foe-Hammer. I promise I will post pics once I get the bipod installed. It is still a work in progress. Still, more progress in the last six months than in the previous seven years! I have long-term pie-in-the-sky plans to have the name in Elvish runes engraved on it… there are also long-term plans for Orcrist, the Goblin-Cleaver.

    When I spoke of these plans to my 16-year-old stepson, he said “You need a blade that glows in the presence of dorks. Then you’d always have a light.” Can’t argue with the kid when he’s right…

  7. Rolf says:

    Or you could get one for shooting Thai food. Call it “Pho-Hammer.”
    Or an all French Oak training rifle and name it “Faux-Hammer.”
    Or one with a stock made of wood from the Black Forrest, and call it “Frau-Hammer.”

    Sorry. Had to say that.

    But seriously, if you’ve been planning a trip to Boomershoot for 7+ years, I’m really going to have to include a “wanna-be” patch.

  8. Mollbot says:

    Well, life keeps getting in the way, as it were. Can’t complain too much, I’ve never been happier.

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