Because it makes the Washington Elites Cry

…consider the REINS Act (Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny). This law would require that every “economically significant” federal regulation (one that has an annual impact of $100 million or more) be affirmatively approved by Congress. Again: no rule would go into effect until it has been voted through by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. If a regulation is not voted on within seventy legislative working days of being sent to Congress, it is “tabled.” That is, it dies.

I like this proposed law.

It’s difficult to overstate how radical a change this would represent for U.S. government. It would subject fifty to a hundred regulations a year to the partisanship, rancor, and gridlock of Congress. Every rule would be a new opportunity for lobbying and industry influence. Worse, legal observers say the bill does not clearly prohibit a filibuster in the Senate, raising the possibility that a determined minority of forty senators could effectively shut down federal rule making. REINS would not overturn the Clean Air Act or shutter the EPA, but it would end forward momentum in environmental law, freezing it in place.

More appalled handwringing at the link. They’re finally waking up in DC to what might be in store come 2013. Makes me feel warm(er) and fuzzy(er) about the Romney prospect.

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4 Responses to Because it makes the Washington Elites Cry

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    You can bet Newt wouldn’t be on the side of that unless it made is ass look slim, but it’s a great beginning at dismantling and dis-masting the sails that keep blowing us onto the rocks. Also it realigns the incentives and will reveal the naked display of power and attention that each rent-seeker is after.

  2. ZZMike says:

    One problem with the proposed law is that Congress would wrangle for days over each regulation. It would increase the workload of our poor, overworked, underpaid Congressmen. Nothing would ever get done.

    Which makes it a very excellent suggestion.

    There’s a real problem when government gets to enact “regulations” that cost billions and affect everybody – and those regulators are unelected and answerable to nobody.

    “Makes me feel warm(er) and fuzzy(er) about the Romney prospect.”

    I didn’t think I’d ever get there, but now I’m an “anybody but Obama” voter.

    We should all keep in mind that we’re not just voting for President. We have to work to get conservatives (in some cases, Republicans) in office all the way up and down the line, from dog-catcher to city council to mayor to state senator to governor to Senator and Representative. The Left has way too hard a grip on the country.

  3. mollyminks says:

    I vote for the second law! Congress is way out of hand and Ron Paul is the only one right now who can really make a difference.
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