For those who favor Right over Might

Consider the gauntlet thrown

President Barack Obama would veto legislation suspending the EPA’s plans to write new climate change rules, a White House official said Friday.

Coal-state Democrats, led by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (W. Va.), Reps. Rick Boucher (Va.) and Nick Rahall (W. Va), are trying to limit the federal government’s ability to control greenhouse gases from power plants.

The coal-state proposals, which would block the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority for two years, would undercut what is widely seen as Obama’s alternative climate policy, now that Congress has punted on cap-and-trade legislation for the year. The Obama aide said the proposals won’t win the president’s signature if they managed to pass on Capitol Hill. Rockefeller’s bill is expected to reach the Senate floor at some point this year.

Filter out the words “coal-state” and Democrat” and you’ll get some common sense from this biased report.

Obama knows he’ll never get another chance to regulate the US economy from his office through Congress and is seeking to have the EPA flank Democracy. This needs to be stopped, and the only way to do this is cover his desk bills he can’t veto.

You won’t get that with our current Congress.

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One Response to For those who favor Right over Might

  1. emdfl says:

    Frankly, I have zero concern for those democraps or their constituents. They have made their bed(s) over the past 30 years, and forced the rest of us to pay for those beds and the whores they have put in them. Let them die in those beds now.

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