RNS Quote of the Day: 04/13/07

Today’s quote was inspired by an email sent to me by our good man BIG at the TargetRichEnvironment Blog.

It seems as though I have pissed someone off enough to want to see the who, what and where on little ‘ol me.


My first candidate for this would be our illiterate SDS member from earlier this week. The second would be Matt Travis, the guy whose Letter to the Editor I mocked last week. The third, and least likely candidate, is a fellow whom I have been conversating with lately named Bill. I’m pretty sure that he didn’t like my dismissal of some chucklehead at a local leftist blog who blamed the gun for the recent University of Washington shooting.

So let me just lay this out before we get to the quote: Whomever you might be, if you’re local and if’n you really want to know who Phil from Random Nuclear Strikes is, I’ll be at the Champion Arms pistol range in Kent tonight around 1800 PST, picking up something from the smith there. Stop by and say hi.

Which leads me to the quote.

While all three of our contestants are probably not admirers of this former President, they should take heed of his words

Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.

Richard M. Nixon

Showing up tonight with non-peaceful intent would be considered by most sentient beings as “destroying oneself”.

Thank you , and have a good Friday the 13th.

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2 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 04/13/07

  1. Glenn B says:

    Now just out of curiosity, do you know this was someone who disagrees with you, or could it have beeen some curious to find out more about you because they liked your blog? I mean, what is the source of that screen print showing the who is Phil question?

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  2. Bill says:

    Nope, it’s not me Phil. I don’t even know what blog you’re referencing re: the Seattle shooting incident and blaming the gun. I do think that 1) the guy should have been deported a LONG time ago and 2) the police need to figure out how he got the gun and why the owner of it had no clue it was stolen. Responsible gun owners keep their weapons locked up and hidden when not in use.

    As for Nixon, I liked him and supported him. Great man that should have been given more of a chance in office.

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