My local paper is more liberal than your local paper

OK, maybe not, but it’s a damn close race. 

Because my local paper actually published an editorial written (supposedly anyway) by Tereeeza and John Heinz-Kerry on the subject of “Global Warming”.

I’m not going to quote it, but suffice to say, if a former Republican Presidential candidate , we’ll use Bob Dole as an example here, wrote a piece exactly the opposite in opinion from the Heinz-Kerry’s, I would be hard cash that the Seattle Times would never publish it, even if just to Fisk it on a dead tree.

And speaking of stupid shit my local paper publishes, try this Letter to the Editor on for size:

Editor, The Times:

The bluster and indignation of the British regarding the seizing of their crew members is a bit much [“Blair talks tough over captured Britons,” Times, March 28].

Turning a situation inside out often puts it in perspective: Suppose Iran sent several of its military naval vessels over to cruise back and forth off Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, while staying inside international waters. Would this kind of in-your-face activity go unanswered? Let’s get real. The crew on the ships that remained floating would immediately be on their way to Guantánamo Bay for waterboarding-induced confessions, and might not see Iran ever again.

The boundaries of the waterways where the incident occurred were a factor in the war between Iraq and Iran. That is something the British knew and should have respected. It would have been prudent to seek and understand Iran’s definition of the boundary and to stay in constant and respectful communication with Iran about it.

Instead, the British seem to think the U.N. has issued a driver’s license that permits them to go wherever they want. Surprise!

Methinks the name of the waterway has been overlooked. It is called the Persian Gulf.

— Matt Travis, Fall City

Yes, you read that correctly: The Brits deserved to be captured because 10 Downing Street didn’t “understand” that the Iranians are (1) Batshit Crazy, which leads them to (2) Believe the whole of the Persian Gulf is theirs because it is called “the Persian Gulf”.

If only that prick Tony Blair would have understood all of this before trying to stop arms from travelling from Iran to Iraq so that Iranian agents and the insurgents they back wouldn’t be able to kill US and British soldiers! He is such a eurocentric bastard!

At least in idiot Matt Travis’ little world.

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9 Responses to My local paper is more liberal than your local paper

  1. Christopher says:

    In response to the first little tidbit I have found a very good place to cool my head when it comes to global warming idiots. The one speech on how aliens caused global warming is very good. Also the transcrips from some shows are good as well.

    You know that if Thatcher was still the leader the SAS would have been in Iran toot sweet!

    Just have to wait for Monday when I get my new and first M1A, thanks to all of you here and Boston T Party, whom I would not have known about without this wonderful blog.

  2. emdfl says:

    Actually, to anyone in that part of the world it’s known as the ARABIAN Gulf for a pretty good while now. Something about the Persians not being all that popular there anymore I suppose.

  3. Matt H Travis says:

    I ran across your website by accident today when googling my name. Since you enjoy ‘liberal’ writing so much, you might enjoy this piece as well, which basically is similar to the theme I expressed. It is some pretty funny stuff. Well, it would be funny if it wasnt true. Damned embarrasing if you ask me.,,2047110,00.html#article_continue

    Your looks like an interesting website, a place I might ordinarily might like to explore if you hadnt pissed me off. I happen to be pro gun and pro Constitution myself. I am also a conservative, a real one, not a neo conservative. So this stuff Bush is peddling doesnt cut it with me.

    Anyway, a word of advise. It isnt very manly or polite to publish nasty things about ordinary people and libel their name on the internet. If you disagree, then fine, rip the piece apart word for word. But do it like a gentleman, and leave the name calling out.

  4. AnalogKid says:

    Wow! The fact that you Google your own name says so much about you that I don’t think I can spare the time to write it all out.

    Secondly, calling you an idiot seems very appropriate now that you do not appear to understand the definition of the word “Libel”. What exactly did I get wrong about what you implied, Matt? From what you wrote, you seem to think that the Brits should have “respected” that Iran believes the majority, if not the entirety, of the Gulf is theirs.

    Blame the victim much, Matt?

    As for your al-Guardian piece, I know of no actual “conservative” that would quote them or use them to prove their point because of their pro-jihadi/pro-“palestinian” worldview. No need to go on and on about how you are the true face of “conservatism”, I’d take your word for it, but for your linkage to that inane drivel. So save your pixels.

    By the way, have you seen today’s post from the daily mail? You know, the one that talks about the mock executions and other psychological torture the Iranians committed against their kidnap victims?

    Why no outrage against the Iranians, Matt? Not only did they commit piracy on the high seas (big Geneva Convention #1 violation there), they used torture on their captives (another violation of multiple GCs).

    Where be your word on that, Matt.

    Or are you just going to blame it all on CheneyMcHalliBushton in your next letter to the Times?

  5. Matt Travis says:

    I guess I should have expected more of the same – after looking around at your other posts. I dont see evidence that you are capable of respectful dialogue – its seems to be full tilt hatred and little else. That isnt something to be proud of son. Being shrill and disrespectful doesnt make you right.

    To humor you, I did search the internet looking for verification the Brit detainees were tortured. So far, it appears to be a limited to your website. That makes it hard for me to comment on.

    You struck out on both counts.

  6. Phil says:

    Hey Bubba, do you know how to click a link? Come on, I know you can type. That thing off to your right, it is called a mouse and you can move the cursor around with it (you know what a cursor is, right?). Click on the link with the left hand button on the “mouse” and read the story there.

    Good lordy. I’m tired of having to tell people of your political leaning how to use this here interweb thingy.

    Either that or you are afraid to click the link? Scared that it may tell you something that you don’t want to know. Did your “search of the internet” incluse sites other than al-Guardian?

    You didn’t even get to bat. What a sad inning for your team.

    Btw, there is now way to have “respectful” dialog with someone who thinks it to be OK to kidnap people at gunpoint and use them for propaganda purposes. You’re an idiot, Matt. Live with that fact. How could I be respectful of an idiot?

  7. Matt Travis says:

    This is too much. You mean you actually think they were tortured?

    Havent you seen the spoofs on these fools appearing on nightly TV? My favorite was the one the other night where the comemdian said ‘they removed our clothes gave us pajamas, and told us they would read us a bedtime story – and then they didnt. The heartless bastards.’

    These captured ‘heroes’ sung like canaries in front of Iranian cameras after only a few days, and said they were in Iranian waters. Now they were either telling the truth, or they were lying. Which was it Phil? Was it the intense pressure of being in pajamas that forced them to give anything but their name rank and serial number? Not exactly admirable conduct was it?

    If they were telling the truth then your tirade about piracy is in error. If they were lying, then what makes you think they are NOW telling the truth? Could it be the lure of 1 million dollar book deals is causing them to embellish the incredible mental duress they were under?

    ‘There I lay in my pajamas in my cell, the drip drip drip of the leaky faucet down the hall giving me a constant fear of drowing. I could feel my lungs constricting, fighting for oxygen, and suddenly I noticed that on my nightstand these evil Iranians had placed a tray of Swiss chocalates. I recoiled in terror at the thought that they were probably laxatives. These bat shit crazy Iranians will stop at nothing.’

    What do you think Phil? Do I have a shot at ghost writing for the Brits? I have some ideas for Fay’s story too, where the axis of evil provided only tampons instead of the pads she normally uses. ‘The horror, the horror’, said Kurtz.

    But hey, I should probably stop as I risk popping your fantasy about what really happened over there.

    Lastly, I notice you are sticking to the same repeated insult. Are you like what, 14? Dont you fancy yourself as a writer? Is that what you think writing is?

  8. Phil says:

    Matt, I’m sticking with the same insult because it fits. I’m not a thesaurus of insults. I don’t need to come up with new and exciting names to describe your condition. “Idiot” works very well. Grab a dictionary. Look it up. You’ll see for yourself.

    Also, I do not “fancy” myself anything. “Fancying” is for narcissistic idiots who Google their own names. What do you “fancy” yourself, Matt? My guess would be “Intelligent”. You couldn’t even find a link, which was not only highlighted, but also in bold, in my blog post. Fuckin’ idiot.

    What exactly are you trying to prove by doubting that these sailors and marines are lying now, but not then? What possible motive could they have for telling the truth then? Are you saying that they ARE lying now, and not then? Exactly what do you have to base this belief on, other than what seems to be a hard-on for believing anything that puts western nations in a bad light?

    Let me remind you that Iran released the coordinates they claimed to have picked the sailors and marines up at, and those coordinates proved that they Brits were in international waters. Eight hours later, the Iranians revised their coordinates, which then put the Brits in their waters. Or maybe you didn’t follow this very closely? Listening to Air America while reading al-Guardian? I caught a couple hours of cunt Randi Rhodes and a few from their overnight jackass and the morning broad on the local affiliate during the hostage taking, and magically, though it was on the international wire, they never mentioned that fact.

    Or maybe you just don’t watch enough cable news. While the hostage situation was going on, CNN, Fox and MSNBC were talking to one of the gentlemen who was taken hostage at the US Embassy in Iran in 1978. They asked him what how he thought the Iranians might be treating the sailors and marines. Two of the tortures he mentioned were the “Mock Execution” and the “You’re the only one left” form of psy torture (both barred by the GC). I guess the Iranians don’t get out much. 28 years later and their still using the same techniques.

    If you don’t think they were tortured, fine, be an asshole AND an idiot. Just keep your twisted little conjectures to yourself until you have actual evidence.

    If you still do not believe that the Iranians kidnapped these sailors and marines in international waters, then you’re just ignorant.

    Oh, how convenient; “An Ignorant Person” is one of the definitions of “Idiot”.

    See how easy that was?

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