Why does she have to be my Senator?

Really, why?

In 2005, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., instructed federal officials to refer to it as the “Capitol Christmas Tree,” after having been called the “Capitol Holiday Tree” since the 1990s.

But at last night’s lighting ceremony for the 65-foot Pacific Silver Fir, the Democrat senator from the tree’s home state of Washington never used the word “Christmas” in her speech to the assembled crowd, opting instead for the term “holiday tree” twice.

Murray was immediately followed by a performance by the National Presbyterian School Chorus, which sang “O Christmas Tree.”

Oh yeah. I remember why now. We’re infested with these


Found at DANEgerus

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One Response to Why does she have to be my Senator?

  1. DFWMTX says:

    The band Laibach became notorious for critisizing Tito’s government not by being in opposition to it, but parodying it by taking on the appearance of being more authoritarian than Tito’s government.

    In this case, I would fight this offense in a similar manner. This would be my press release:
    “The honorable senator’s calling this a ‘holiday tree’ is offensive and disrespectful to my European Pagan ancestors. Just as the white Christian man has decimated the peaceful and honorable Native American religious traditions, so have the crackers too decimated the belief systems of their European forebears. This so-called ‘Christmas tree’ has nothing to do with Christ, and in fact the so-called ‘Christmas tree’ is Thor’s oak, or Yggdrasil, one of the most sacred symbols of the Heathen religion. Your tradition of decorating the tree with cutesy ornaments is a bastardized and commercialized version of our venerated ancient Yule tradition, in which our noble and enlightened ancestors would sacrifice animals and slaves to the gods and hang their limbs from the trees branches. We demand you honor our religious tradition and let us do this, and since you have a policy of including all religions if you allow religion in the public sphere, we demand the right to sacrifice animals to the gods and put them on your ‘holiday tree’. And in the spirit of ecumenical friendship, we would also like to invite our oppressed and misunderstood Islamic fundamentalist brethren to join in this action with us.”

    Maybe that would make them enjoy regular old Christmas more.

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