Dare to be Stupid: 12/19/06

For once I agree with a group of college Democrats.

A Washington State University assistant professor who used a vulgar racial term during a heated political dispute with Democrat students was “immature” and “thoughtless,” but his actions did not constitute discrimination, a new report concludes.

The report was given to the parties involved in the dispute, and a copy was released Tuesday by Dan Ryder, the student who complained to campus officials, saying he had been insulted.

The [protest] drew a crowd of protesters who engaged in heated arguments with College Democrats, and the videotaped showdown garnered national attention, especially on liberal radio and television broadcasts.

During the dispute, Ryder said Streamas, an assistant professor of comparative ethnic studies, called him a “black (solid waste)-bag.”

College Democrats demanded that Streamas be fired for saying that, and have said the incident was an example of bias.

And it was an example of exactly that. However, the university administration disagreed.

University President V. Lane Rawlins said last week that Streamas would be reprimanded, but not fired.

“One utterance of a faculty member in the heat of discussion is not the kind of thing for which you terminate someone,” Rawlins said.

Earlier, Streamas has acknowledged using the term, but said it wasn’t directed at any individual.

The report said it was unwise for Streamas to have made the comment, which it called “immature, intellectually unsophisticated and thoughtless.” But a single such utterance during a robust debate did not, by itself, constitute harassment, discrimination or intimidation, the report said.

Of course it proves that Streamas discriminates against a certain group of people and I am of the opinion that anyone in a seat of power such as the one Streamas occupys should be fired for saying such a thing.

But it’ll never happen for on simple reason: It was the College Republicans who were called “White Shitbags”.

I have modified the news story above from this report in the Seattle PI.

Of course we all know how the above story would have been written had it actually been like what is pseudo-excerpted above.

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