Dare to be Stupid: 12/06/06

Yesterday the news came out that NYC had banned trans-fats in the cities restaurants.

It was mentioned around the right-wing of the blogosphere as the ever stretching arm of the nanny state having to take care of it’s subjects because they’re too stupid to figure out what is bad for them on their own.

Which is utterly and completely true. That is exactly what the move in NYC was.

This story even has quotes from NYC residents who agree that their city government was doing the right thing for them.

So it is of no surprise who I found that agrees with both the city and the residents who want to be taken care of, John Avarosis of AmericaBlog

Trans fats really do pop up everywhere, and unnecessarily so. Just look at your food labels, and look for “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.” Just see how many foods it’s really in. I’m all for banning the bugger, it’s everywhere and it is extremely difficult to avoid.

I’d feel sorry for the guy, but he really is just an idiot looking for someone to take care of him.

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One Response to Dare to be Stupid: 12/06/06

  1. Rivrdog says:

    The Health Commissioner of New Yawk City has turned out to be a complete meglo.

    A previous action included requiring City doctors who run tests on their patients’ blood sugar level and find it high to report that fact to the Health Bureau, whereupon said Bureau puts them on their nagging list and bombards their mailboxes, at City expense, with “how to control your Diabetes” propaganda.

    It’s a well-known fact within medical circles that there is a very profitable industry out there concerned with diabetes, and that industry has paid for “studies” that keep lowering the threshold blood sugar level of diabetes, so that more and more folks can be included as diabetics and the industry can make more money.

    Don’t get me started on bogus medical studies, but most researchers shy away from the validity of any study which is paid for by the outfit most likely to profit from it. Of course, none of this even considers who might have access to this health information, since Bloomberg is most likely in bed with all the insurance companies that operate in New York, which is most of them.

    In the NYC Health Bureau’s case, this mad doctor who runs it had created a HUGE bureaucracy that operates WELL BEYOND the level that any other big-city Health Dept. operates at.

    City taxes, of course, pay for the whole show. Now he wants an army of Restaurant Police scouring the thousands of eateries in the City to check every menu and make sure that it doesn’t include the eeeeeeevil Trans-Fats.

    So, the end results: This runaway Bureau is leaning hard on anyone outside of some skank runway-model body-mass index, and the City, under “Republican” Bloomberg (he’s about as Republican as Karl Marx) has made it a mission to browbeat New Yorkers into being skinny.

    Ain’t his fucking job. Fire the arrogant SOB who runs the Health Bureau.

    My suggestion for New Yorkers: take a day next Spring or Summer and have a city-wide “grease-in”. Everybody with access to any kind of portable BBQ bring it and set it up on the sidewalk in front of their home or business, and spend the day grilling cheeseburgers, hot dogs and sausage patties and passing them out to all who wish to eat them.

    On Seinfeld, we used to occasionally see the “Soup Nazi”, who was a caricature of an obsessed person. Too bad the show folded, the writers would have had a field day with the Health Nazis today.

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