Vermicious Knids

Amazingly, or maybe coincidentally, I only just saw the movie “V for Vendetta” this weekend.

However, I have a feeling that this group of people have seen it dozens, if not hundreds, of times since it came out in theaters


On November 6, 2006, a lone man in a “V” mask and clothing visited security checkpoints at the White House, the main Treasury Building, the Department of Justice and the Capitol, to deliver a letter and the Petitions for Redress. A short videotape of the encounters has made its way around the Internet, including links from sites such as 

The letter informed the leaders of the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government that up to 100 people in “V” masks and clothing would gather in silent vigil at those locations on November 14th to await a response to the Petitions for Redress.  

True to his word, at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, nearly 100 men and women in “V” masks and clothing could be seen walking along different streets in downtown Washington, DC, all heading to Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

I have to laugh because, according to what I was able to draw from the movie, what the character V believes is nothing anywhere close to the liberal or progressive philosphy. Yet due to their derangement syndrome, they compare the Bush Administration to the government in the story/movie and are able to spout off hullaballo they most likely do not even understand. Maybe they will be able to get 1000 people to protest but I doubt it for one simple reason:

The Dems won the day after this protest.

Their proposed protest site is the Treasury, which is run by the Congress, very soon to be in Dem control.

But the funniest part is this, their hi-jacked persona of Guy Fawkes is famous for his attempt to demolish the Parlimentary building. Now that the Dems have won control of our version of Parliment, will they be able to keep up the gag and be taken seriously by people who know their history?

Oh wait, the liberals have destroyed the education system. No one knows this history.

Found @ LGF

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2 Responses to Vermicious Knids

  1. DFWMTX says:

    Not to mention the movie version they’re so inspired by was a watered-down version of the graphic novel, which had more of a valid anarchist philosophy than the movie.

    But none of that matters. Many of these liberals get off on being rebels, and they have decided to follow a Hollywood vision of a rebel. Seeing all those people dressed up in “V” masks (for which you know someone somewhere is getting a royalty cut) makes me think of a quote from those D&D posters you posted a few weeks ago, which paraphrased would be “a person wearing a uniform is simply the extension of another’s will”. All these people dressed up in their black clothes and their V masks have not stumbled upon a single original idea in their protest, they are simply repeating the ideas of others, and in wearing someone else’s uniform, they are an extension of another’s will, not their own.

  2. Christopher says:

    Also V used explosives to reach his means, so that is better than a firearm some how? Both are monitored by BATFE, but these are the people that are against firearms, a much more dicriminating device with low colateral damage compared to an explosive with no dicrimination and a lot of collateral damage.

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