I’m coming out the closet, y’all!

Hi, my name is Phil, the blogger formerly known as The Analog Kid.

Some of you may have noticed that since this last Saturday, my name has appeared at the top of posts instead of my previous pen name. There are a couple of reasons for this which I would like to lay out here, if’n you don’t mind.

First of all, I’ve been blogging here for three and a half years now and not only has this place been excellent and cheap therapy, it has also helped me define my personal and political beliefs.

Having to write everything you want to say out on a daily basis gives you time to think analytically about those things. While some folks choose not to use the time for such purposes (ie: the majority of the leftist blogs I read), I have taken full adavatage of it. My beliefs haven’t really changed since I started on this e-adventure, but they have become rock solid. Sadly though, even to this day, I still cannot define them in a word without it containing more letters than the word “antidisestablishmentarianism”.

It is partially because of this reason that I have decided to knock it off, at least a little bit, with the greasy kid stuff (no pun intended). I feel I’ve outgrown it and, have therefore dumped it.

Another reason is because I have discovered some other folks have taken to using this knickname (both here and here). It is a very minor reason and I could truly care less, as I have been pondering this change for a while now. Although I would really like to get some of the exposure the guy with the Townhall blog has been getting over at the AoSHQ.

It appears that we’re all Rush fans and have somewhat close to the same political beliefs, and that the name will continue with folks like that is good enough for me. If those two want to fight it out, that is between them. I personally suggest a legwrestling contest, because that looks as silly as arguing over a name is.

I’ll still be the same old me, doing the same old “me” stuff here at the same old blog. If you want to still call me by the name or initials, I won’t mind in the least bit either as it will always be part of my history in the blogosphere.

There will still be a ban on my full name, address and place of employ being published on the site. This is only because of the sheer amount of trollitude I’ve gotten while posting here, with a couple of them becoming stalkers who stop just short of physical threats. If that ever comes to an end, y’all will be invited over to my place for a party. I figure that me telling them when I’m going to places like Gun Shows and the range is enough of a chance for them to voice their complaints, I don’t need it done on my lawn or in my office. 

The “Analog Wife” and the “Analog Mom” will generally be referred to as “The Wife” and “The Mom”, although I think “The Mom” has taken a liking to the moniker and you may still see her in the comments section as such.

The post is also notice to any left-wing bloggers when I post comments at their sites that I am not pulling a Glenn Greenwald and getting into ‘sockpuppetry’.


Another change I’d like to initiate is that whenever I write about buying something, I will be using the phrase “After Tax Dollars”.

The reason for this is simple: The local Air America affiliate uses the phrase in their commercials telling the listeners that they should patronize the station’s advertisers so that the advertisers will keep buying ad time.

I’ve heard somewhat similar ads on local right-leaning stations as well, but they’ve never explained it in such detail.

Leave it to socialists to have to be told how capitalism works.

And I’ll be mocking them for just that reason with my use of the phrase.

That is all. Have a good day.

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2 Responses to I’m coming out the closet, y’all!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Nothing wrong with a professional moniker, say I. Yours suits you. I see you at the range enough to know that somewhere in a closet you must have an actual Western outfit made of analog cloth, as opposed to the Digital Cloth the military uses now, heh!

    Your guns all shoot old-time Analog bullets which make real Analog holes in things, right where you want them.

    Digital is fine for communications, and the Army and USMC think it’s fine for camo patterns too, but my REAL world is mostly Analog, and I suspect yours is, too.

    Besides, Dr. Phil is one of the most fake personalities ever foisted off on a gullible society, and my late brother Phil was koo-koo who killed himself in the prime of his life, so Phils have occupied a lesser place in my life. Maybe you will change that on an intellectual plane.

    But, it’s a free country, and it’s your choice, and I suspect that you have a private reason for “coming out” that you aren’t sharing.

    I think I can deduce that reason from your writings, but that will be the subject of yet another single-malt exchange between us.

    Welcome home, Phil, from the bottom of the Rivrdog’s heart.

  2. Analog Kid says:

    Nope, no other reason there, RD. I just outgrew another nickname.

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