Even They Don’t Really Know

So how are we supposed to?

Found by Tim at Four Right Wing Wackos

The “Campaign for America’s Future”, a left wing activist group is running a contest to try and help define exactly what “A Progressive” is. Once again, the leftists have gotten all caught up in their need to label everyone and everything and are only now seeking to define the term they coined to shy away from the term “Liberal”.

The term “Liberal” was never really that bad of a term until the Democratic Socialists got their hands on it, and then made asses of themselves trying to tell the American people what they should want. When we told them to get stuffed and as a nation turned decidedly anti-liberal, they figured they should pick up a new term to try and disguise themselves again.

But if you click on the link, you’ll see that they’re the same old Democratic Socialists. They want “Fair” everything, but only they get to decide what is “Fair”. They long to trust the government more than they trust themselves, and they wish cute little bunnies and yellow daisies for everyone.

Here is my entry, which will, of course, never be accepted by the CAF:

A Progressive is a self-loathing, egomaniacal twit, whose self -importance is only shadowed by insistence that everyone’s lives can be made perfect, usually involving the help of government.

A Progressive believes that with enough understanding and talking through problems, anything can happen; Muslims will stop their institutionalized hatred of Jews and Christians, murderous dictators will cease killing their own people and threatening their neighbors and everything will settle down into a world-wide nirvana, if only more words were exchanged.

It is for this reason that Progressives are dangerous!

Progressives will negotiate to the point of inaction. Their willingness to believe a protest march will effect how things play out on the world stage leads to many more paper-mache puppets than the world can viably sustain.

A Progressive will turn violent and completely psychopathic if they do not get their way, creating the most bizarre conspiracy theories ever imagined. While they do not believe in the concept of “Good vs Evil”, they will think the aboslute worst of their opponents, usually projecting their thoughts into that of the other person.

You can tell a Progressive by their language. Words like “Social Justice”, “Worker Equity”, “Living Wage” are just a few of the terms that set a Progressive apart from members of the intelligent citizenry. Those terms signify that they are about to try and make you wallet a bit less full. Beware of the Progressive. While they say they want “What Is Best For You”, they most absolutely do not.

They only want to make themselves “Feel” better.

Take a moment and click the link and read some of the serious suggestions offered at the CAF site. They are in the lower part of the right hand column.

The one at the very bottom, in my mind, signifies what is exactly wrong with Progressives. Here it is:

Virginia W. Sausalito, CA

When the water rises, the storm is raging and the winds are howling, the conservatives say “Quick, throw some people out of the boat or we will sink.” A Progressive says, “Hold on, let’s build a bigger boat.”

Using Virginia’s own words, I will prove my definition above:

The storm is here and we’re already in our emergency boats, but the Progressive’s solution is to stop the entire group and “build a bigger boat”. Nevermind that it is too late for that, we have to take a chance at killing everyone while we somehow create new and better transport.

Also notice that Virginia believes that the conservatives would have no problem tossing some of the group to their deaths. This is her projection disability. She has played this scenario out in her mind, and this is what she believes her adversaries would say.

Virginia most likely also believes the popular leftist theory that ‘conservatives’ have built large concentration camps in the desert for ‘people just like her’.

So now, go pick the one you think best describes a Progressive. Nevermind that you hold no truck with them. I didn’t say you had to choose the one they believe best describes them, CAF did. Screw them.

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4 Responses to Even They Don’t Really Know

  1. DFWMTX says:

    I may be wrong on this, but “democratic” socialists who co-opt “liberal” and “progressive” for the use of advocating their agenda is similar to what the Communists did in the Russian revolution, adopting “Bolshevik”, adapted from the Russian for “majority faction”, which is funny because they were never truly the majority. Nor were these liberals truly “liberal”, nor is their current agenda “progressive”. Air America radio running “the Majority Report” is funny to me because neither that show, nor the whole Air America network holds a majority of the radio audience.
    They are pretenders to a non-existant throne.

  2. puggs says:

    Jean M.

    “A progressive is someone who cares about others as much as themselves. They are interested in making all of society a better place. They are not afraid to do the right thing because it benefits society as a whole, rather than doing something for selfish reasons. They realize that we are indeed our brother’s keeper.”

    that’s more a discription of a priest than a political movement, which is revealing. During Ronald Reagan’s time it was said that a conservative looks for converts, a liberal searchs for heretics. That’s about the most useful line I’ve seen. A conservative is willing to find common cause with people that they may not agree with on other issues in order to further the common good. A liberal, (progressive, as they call themselves now), isn’t willing to do that. They are interested in purges, driving out all but the most dull eyed cattle, the unquestioning true believers. Which is why they always will lose in the end. Jean’s definition clearly shows that if she believes what she says, she must by default believe that to disagree doesn’t make you wrong,

    but evil.

    The right really is a coalition of varied opinions and beliefs bound together an acceptence of certain basic truths.

    The left is a rigid gulag of drones and thought police, bound together by a fear of being excluded from the self chosen elite.

    When you think about it, certainly I’ve held views that others here don’t agree with at one time or another, but that is allowed. Watch what happens at one of these progressive sites when one of the sheep dares to voice an opinion outside the spoon fed orthydoxy. The response isn’t well, let’s talk about this and find where we disagree,….

    The response is savage, cruel, and as caring as the schoolyard bully when he’s standing on your neck.

    and they call themselves compassionate.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    Virginia’s going to love this:

    There aren’t any concentration camps built out in the desert.

    There won’t be a need for them.

    When the “progressives” get to be enough of a threat to our culture, there will be a civil war, and in that civil war, the Freedom Forces’ clarion call to action will be from a bugler playing the Deguello.

  4. DFWMTX says:

    When Clinton was in office, I heard from the loony right-wing about concentration camps for Americans. Now Bush is in office, and the loony left is talking about concentration camps for Americans. Ergo I’m inclined not to believe either side.

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