
In the comments of the recycling post from yesterday, Mr. Completely delivered us a slogan:

Recycling means reloading your own ammo

He said it may not be a very good bumpersticker, especially for the vehicle I drive to work, but as with most things at my work, I care very little about management’s opinions, especially about what I attach to my truck.

But how about you? Would you put something like that on your vehicle?

Because I have hamfisted my way through a PS program to creat these two things (click for bigger pics)

ReloadRecycle1.jpg      ReloadRecycle2.jpg

They’re very rudimentary and could be refined with some suggestions from you, the peanut gallery. I have never used any of the online printing folks (CafePress, etc) so I can look into that if there are enough people interested in maybe buying one or two of either or both.

Leave any tips, ideas or how many you’d like in the comments.

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7 Responses to Inspired

  1. David says:

    I’ve bought a few gun-related CafePress items. The transfers onto cloth (especially thick cloth, like a baseball hat) seem to wash out, but transfers to cups, light switch plates, and other hard surfaces come out great! They also have fantastic customer service.

    I’d buy a bumper sticker or two like the above.

  2. The recycling symbol really adds to it! I’d like to order some of the stickers small enough for my range box!

    …….Mr. C.

  3. Gerry N. says:

    I’d buy several of each. They’re too cool for words.

  4. OldeForce says:

    And then there’s this bumper sticker: “Chaney/Rumsfeld ’08”
    Not because it’s going to happen, just because it will drive my sister-in-law crazy

  5. Strider says:

    You’d better double-check that the recycling symbol isn’t actually copywrited or trademarked or something. (You’d be amazed what is under copyright — such as the song “Happy Birthday”….)

    Your t-shirt business just might get you sued if it is….

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