My soon to be new pols

Since I laid down in my Monday post the fact that I’ll be moving at the end of this month, and since all politics is local, I figured I’d brouse the State of Washington’s website (that I am paying for) to see who I’ll be represented by and what they stand for.

I current live in the 37th Legilative District and am represented at the state level, since my effort to undo it failed, by lunkheaded Democrats. This is to include, at the federal level, the tinfoil hat wearing SOB “Howlin’ Mad” Jim McDermott who has a lock on the rest of the tinfoilers in the 7th Congressional District.

I’ll be moving into the 27th Legislative District, where things aren’t too much different as only the names have changed. But the names haven’t just changed in the statewide offices, I am now out of McDermott’s grubby clutches for the first time in 10 years!

But, I have played right into the hands of Adam Smith and his 9th Congressional District. Smith isn’t all that bad of a guy. He’s definitely not McDermott, but he is also not a Riechert.

(And for all you Washingtonians, here’s your CD map)

I’m still stuck with “Osama Mama” Patty Murray (aka Abramoff’s 9th favorite person) and “Barely Senator” Maria Cantwell in the Senate, but I’m working on it.

But back to the 27th; I found some interesting people that will representing me at my new residence.

My State Senator will be Democrat Majority Whip, Debbie Regala.

She seemed to be just a typical Democrat busy body; doing anything so that it looks like she’s doing something. Then I found that she is at the head of the line of Democrats who are trying to tame down some legislation that will exempt certain child molesters from the “25 years to life” sentencing that the state Repubs are trying to get passed. All the child molester has to do is be related to the victim and they get the kid gloves treatment.

And remember, at least 75% of molested children are victimized by someone in their family circle. That means that 75% of the sickos in Washington State will not see significant jail time if the Democrats get their way on this issue.

My Position 1 Representative is Dennis Flannigan.

Dennis seems to be a nice enough fellow, even if he does like expanding the role of the state government whenever he can. A former instructor at Western Washington University and a guy who knows his bread is buttered via the Port of Tacoma and helps the Port out.

My Position 2 Representative is majority Caucus Vice Chair, Jeannie Darneille.

She must go. Tomorrow will not be soon enough, and this is why:

Judging from the bills she has sponsored and co-sponsored, Ms. Darneille is in the hip pocket of the Brady Foundation of the Pacific Northwest, Ceasefire Washington (who still won’t get a link from me).

House Bill 1489, which she co-sponsored, would prohibit firearms in the State Legislative Building. This is citizen property and the right of Washington State citizens to carry firearms in these buildings has been tested and proven in our Supreme Court in the past. Ms. Darneille would seek to make the Legislative Building a ‘Gun Free Zone’.

Now take a look at this one,

House Bill 1490, of which she was a prime sponsor, would prohibit anyone without a concealed pistol license or an area specific hunting permit from carrying a firearm inside Washington State Parks.

We are having a record number of cougar and bear attacks in this state. Going into the parks without a firearm is only one step short of slathering yourself in bacon when you park your car.

As Jason at Fish or Man proved just a couple months ago, Washington has provisions for open carry and those provisions should not be taken away in the wilderness.

Put the first bill on top of the second bill and what do you get shortly thereafter? All state parks as “Gun Free Zones”. It only takes one more step and there will be no carrying of a defensive firearm in the wilderness. Once they pass the first, the second will be a cakewalk.

Ms. Darneille is also pro-criminal. She sponosred House Bill 1803 which would remove 2nd Degree Robbery from the state’s “Most Serious Offences” list. She also sponsored House Bill 1768 which would limit the number of interstate criminal transfers allowed per year, tying the hands of our constabulary and making other states not want to cooperate with us..

This woman is dangerous to her constituents and I seriously hope she comes up for re-election while I’m living in her district. It could prove interesting to hear her answer why she doesn’t want the citizens of this state to be able to defend themselves while she writes laws that get criminals out of jail sooner.

And that’s it for the 27th Legislative District. How’s the happenings in your area?

Remember, there is no “Off Season” in politics.

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One Response to My soon to be new pols

  1. River Rat says:

    Holy shit I lived in Detroit for 48 years and I thought it was bad there, christ its disnyland compaired to you, good luck bro.

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