And they’re hung like the Keebler elves too

James Thayer writes about the recent string of arrests of members of the ELF over at The Weekly Standard.

In his article, he sheds some more light on the activities of the arrestees, their arson methods and the criminal ‘organization’ itself, including some words on how they took their method of organization and leadership from the Klan.

Mr. Thayer also points out in his article, the words used by the family members and friends of those who were arrested to describe them. The phrase “non-violent” is almost universal. The words “gentle”, “loving” and “caring” show up almost as fequently.

Of course, all of those biased opinions are shown to be lies by the words of Lauren Weiner when she said “The government blows stuff up, why can’t we?” to an undercover federal agent.

In contrast to Mr. Thayer’s article, NW author and Orcinus blogger David Neiwert, who has never seen a right of center group he couldn’t tag as racist or a property rights group he couldn’t somehow connect to a militia, does both in his latest post “The Orca Killers” where he uses every bit of smoke, mirrors and anecdotal secondhand accounting to try and link the Building Industry Association of Washington to local property rights groups who may have been connected to someone in a self appointed citizens militia group.

He does this because he seriously needs to rile up the hard-left sycophants that inhabit his his comments section (they can smell a Klan member at 50 paces, I tell ya!) and because the BIAW has filed suit to try and keep the local Orca pods off the overused Endangered Species List.

I mention the Orca pods in particular because the only way that the local activists were able to get them on there was to have each pod classified as distinct so that the numbers look smaller. And because local salmon runs are connected to the Orca’s feeding habits, this is very likely going to be tied to their numbers in the future and possible listings on a ‘Threatened Species List’.

But Neiwert forgets his hypocrisy in that he supports the fishing rights for the local indian tribes laid out in numerous treaties. These ‘treatied rights’ do not hold the tribal members who net salmon in great numbers to account when they take from the whole number and which has led to the cancellation of salmon fishing for all non-tribal members in this state in the past.

But what is a builder’s association doing filing lawsuits against the listing of Killer Whales (we’re going to stop this ‘Orca’ nonsense right here) on the endangered species list, you might ask?

Easy. With their listing, any land near waters that they ‘inhabit’ (read: large sections of the Puget Sound) now becomes protected from future development, costing landowners the ability to do what they want with their land via losses in property rights and ultimately jobs to the BIAW members. Neiwert, ever the union supporter, doesn’t think these particular folks should be able to organize and to fight for the future their livelyhood, so he takes the BIAW’s disagreement on the hoodwinking of federal agencies by environmentalist zealots and immediately starts in with half-baked conjecture and anecdotal tales told, all of them by highly biased sources and some of them second hand.

To Neiwert, property rights and the rights of citizen and business groups to petition their government are nothing compared to the “preservation” of a species that cannot keep its act together enough to keep Mother Nature or Darwin happy. You will not build where David says you cannot build unless you want to be labeled as a racist or a baby Killer Whale murderer.

His hypocrisy again comes into play when he forgets that these were the exact same methods used by far-right conspiracy theorists to tie the “Clinton/Cocaine/Mena Airport” story together, which Neiwert will debunk free of charge for you on demand.

And lastly, and most importantly, in the few past instances where I have been allowed to try and show Neiwert his hypocrisy in his near-refusal to talk about the actions of leftist groups such as ELF, ALF and SHAC as violent and destructive, he first asserts that these groups are not leftists because they are violent.

Not only that, but even though they and he both fight for more rights for animals and the near-elimination of private property rights, they are not on “His Side”. But don’t you dare be a ‘right-wing-nut’ who believes in the Second Amendment and property rights at the same time, because then you might as well have been in the passenger seat with McVeigh. Bring up the Weather Underground or the SLA and you get some pile of hyperbole about how that was blown out of proportion.

So, in conclusion, Neiwert is a hypocrite alarmist and the ELF’s and their ilk will hopefully be going down into a deep dark hole, never to be seen again.

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