They’ve got him under their skin

I’m pretty sure that it is just coincidental that the SOTU speech was given on Tuesday, the one day of the week that local liberals here in Seattle get together to get hosed and fantasize about how perfect the world would be without Republicans and their little brothers, the civil libertarians (unlike the ACLU, who are un-civil libertarians).

No matter what stars had to align to make it happen, happen it did and the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally met at the Montlake Ale House to watch the speech and have liberal amounts of alcoholic beverages.

And Sam Skolnik of the Seattle PI was there to ‘drink’ it all in and file a day after report.

Toward the end of the speech, it sounded as if several members of the group were suffering from a unique, left-wing strain of Tourette’s syndrome.

“You (blank)!”

“God, I wish he would shut the (blank) up!”

President Bush, antagonist numero uno, was giving his annual State of the Union speech, and a crowd of about 30 mostly young, professional-looking liberals were there to jeer him on.

Tuesday evening, attendees drank when Bush spoke phrases such as “September 11” or “terrorist.” They laughed when he appeared to mispronounce certain words. They booed when he called for the renewal of the Patriot Act. And they cheered loudly for Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) when she was shown smiling and shaking her head as Bush defended his use of warrantless telephone wiretaps.

“It’s not Bush that I hate,” said Jeff Evans, a software programmer from Seattle. “It’s the military-industrial complex he represents. Look at Exxon’s recent profits if you don’t believe me.”

Added Ellen Meserow in between sips of red wine: “I just can’t even start. It’s like every day in the last six years he’s slapped me in the face.”

Just so that you know the named players in this report, Ms. Meserow went to the 2004 Democratic National Convention to blog for the Washington State Dean Delegation.

Imagine that, she says ignorant things, just like her former candidate and current party chair. Ms. Meserow, I’ve never slapped a woman before, but if it will make you feel better, and because we’re all about pleasing the people here at RNS, I can literally slap you in the face everyday until Bush’s term expires. Just leave a note in the comments with a preferred time (late afternoons work for me).

Jeff Evans is a programmer and if you Google his name, his site is the first one to come up. Mr. Evans, I’m sure that what with the investment of your knowledge and time, you’d like your web design business to turn a profit as well, and so would I. I’m glad that Exxon made a profit this year as it means that they are getting a return on the investment of their knowledge and time as well.

If you want to be called a useful idiot, you need no more than to decry someone getting their returns and to use ignorant phrases like “Military-Industrial Complex”. I am holding out the “Slapping in the Face” Service that I offered to Ms. Meserow to you as well, you useful idiot.

So there you have it folks, fiercly partisan Democrats were getting hosed and mocking the national tragedy of September 11th, making light of murderous religious fanatics and cursing in public at the President of the United States.

Because it isn’t enough for them to have the entirety of the City of Seattle, King County and the State of Washington in their hip pocket, they must have it all.

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