Strange Bodily Malfunctions

So I get home on either Tuesday of last week and I notice that my left wrist is hurting. I figure it was something I did at work and let it be and try to sleep it off.

I wake up the next day and it still hurts, but not to the extent that I was going to worry about it, I’m right handed and I’ll just compensate and deal with it.

By the time I came home on Thursday, it is throbbing and none of the OTC pain relievers I have is making it stop. So I grab the Ace Wrap bandage and wrap it up, quite perfectly, if I do say so myself (I’ve been wrapping body parts for either First Aid practice, Sports Medicine or boxing for far too long to wrap sloppy).

Anyway, I go to bed with the thing on. 7 hours of sleep with the thing isolated should do the trick, right.

Wrong. I wake up and I can feel the thing hurting before I drag my ass out of bed and into the shower. I get into the shower after taking the wrap off and that was a total pain in the, well, wrist.

I get done with the shower and start getting my stuff ready for work, without the wrap on. I leave the house and drive to work and lo and behold, forget the damn wrap in the bathroom.

And here is the strange part, when I get to work, the pain is all gone and there is only a hint of tenderness in the outer tissue that anything had happened in the area.


I took no pain relievers, I did no ice and the heat from the shower was minimal because I have an aversion to water warmer than lukewarm. And besides that, I had taken a shower every day before work, so why didn’t it happen on those days?

Again, WTF?

I don’t know how I hurt it in the first place, and now I don’t know how I healed it.

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One Response to Strange Bodily Malfunctions

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Couple of ideas:

    Carpal tunnel inflammation, which you relieved by wrapping and dosing up with NSAID’s, which had a delayed, but adequate effect.


    Result of a slight virus brought on by stress. Some virii can manifeswt themselfve in bone ache. When the body’s immune system masters the virus, the pain goes away.

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