Postal Match Rules Update

I have gotten a few questions in regards to the rules for the October e-Postal Match so here is just a quick post to clarify a few things.

You can only have 10 shots per pair of targets. I know I said you could shoot it as many time as you liked, but I meant that you could shoot as many sets of targets as you want.

The target is not allowed to move once you start shooting it. For example, there is no shooting the big squares at 100 yards and then you move the target closer as the squares get bigger. Likewise, you may not place the target with four squares on it far away and the six square target closer. I will be placing both targets on the same target board and going for it, so should you.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. If there are any other items I may have left out or left you wondering about, please feel free to email me with questions.

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