
I never knew how much time this blogging thing would take up. Researching my files, selecting the right example, then actually writing something. I think I got in a little too deep this weekend, what with school having just started.

At least I was able to get acquainted with you all yesterday.

I was getting next week’s classroom topics in order, planning on putting this up in the morning after doing the appropriate search for subject matter when one of my new students stopped by with some questions.

I stopped what I was doing so that I could give her my full attention and, well, after dinner and some after-dinner conversation, I just plain forgot to do anything for this.

I’m sure you’ll understand.

And after Miss Jennifer wakes up, I’ll be sure to scold her properly for taking me away from my promised task.

So I guess that today I will just continue on with my examples of incorrect skirt lengths.

Here is another example of ‘too short for public consumption’.

Again, my first year students make this mistake all the time, so it is really not worthy of anything further than a call to the office for even the most egregious of offenders. By their second year, they are usually a bit closer to the correct length of an effective skirt, although I do not push them too quickly.

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