News You Can Use

In fact, I suggest you use some of it today.

John Little, creator of The Blogs of War is in Houston and is currently sitting out Hurricane Rita. As of 2033 Central Standard Time last night, he reports that there were already looters roaming around the town before the storm hit. Not in anywhere near the numbers that were in New Orleans, but they were out. Some of the cars in his building’s parking garage were broken into and some of his neighbors armed themselves appropriately.

He has the pic to prove it.

Head on over and wish him, Jim and the Sloop New Dawn, Laurence Simon, Nukevet Neal and everyone else sitting through the hell of Rita good luck.

Which brings me to my next link, The Freeholder has posted Lessons You Need To Learn from Hurricane Katrina. Think of it as sort of a crib notes to the By Ourselves, For Ourselves series that I really need to get back up and finish.

I found the link to The Freeholder’s post via this week’s Carnival of Cordite, which is now up at Gullyborg’s Resistance is Futile! blog.

There is also much more there to read when you get some time.

And now I’m off. I have some SHTF vehicles to go look at (and maybe drive one home). Nothing like checking off boxes on your SHTF list!

See you tomorrow.

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