It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Fall bitches! Yep, the Autumnal Equinox has arrived (finally!).

My mostest favoritest season of the entire quad. No more blazing heat, no more long periods of sun exposure and no more goofy people driving around in open topped vehicular death machines.

At least not here in Washington.

It has had that autumn smell in the air for close to three weeks now here. That crisp cool smell that tells you that even though the sun is out, you won’t get much heat from it unless you are in its direct path. Fireplaces were getting fired up in my neighborhood just this last week.

In Washington, Fall brings wind, rain, sleet, and my personal favorite, fog. Most folks find these things annoying or dreary. Tough, I love every minute of it. I was born during ugly weather just south of Seattle and was raised in it. I own umbrellas, hats and coats with hoods and the folks that live here and bitch about it need to cope and go shopping.

The benches at the rage are sparsely populated after the ‘Hunter Sight-In Weekends’ are finished and I can shoot all day without having to keep one of my eyes on some chucklehead with unsafe gun handling skills.

My list of the seasons, in specific order to my preferences:

Fall – see above

Winter – Oh yeah! We usually don’t have to wait for winter before our first snow here (if we’re going to actually get any) and that is just an add-on the rest of the weather above that I like. Plus, you have the two of the three holidays of the year where I am not expected to show up for work (Thanksgiving is in the fall, Christmas and New Years Day in winter). My only beef with winter is that it ends and switches to spring.

Summer – Yes, I like summer above spring. Mostly because we don’t have much for sunning beaches here so during the summer the women go around just about everywhere dressed as if that is where they’re going. That and it fall come right afterwards.

Spring – My most dreaded of the four seasons. Everyone is running around in pastels looking like Easter eggs and cheerful about the flowers blooming or some such nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against the flowers themselves, but good lordy, I don’t want to actually hear about it. That and spring leads to the hot and muggy summers.

So yeah, my mood should improve here shortly with the Analog Wife already decorating for Halloween (her favorite holiday) and gearing up for Christmas (the #2 holiday in Casa de Analog) and wearing those tight sweaters.

Whoops, that wasn’t supposed to get out.

Of course, everyone else I know is pretty much bummed that summer is offically over. Mwahahaha!

We have this ‘syndrome’ up here that I can’t even remember the name of that infects the general populace. Most folks just call it ‘The Winter Blahs’ but the local headshrinkers have actually given it a name and attribute it to folks not getting enough sun or some such nonsense.

I have only four words for the wusses who get the blahs “MOVE BACK TO CALIFORNIA!”

And take your politics with you. Why the hell they ever moved to a town where it is known to rain for months on end and then think that the natives want to listen to their bitching about it is beyond me.

But that is it for me.

Happy Autumn everyone!

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One Response to It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    You really want Seattle to return to the says when salmon sold for a nickel, same as beer, and if you drank that beer in the wrong tavern on the waterfront, you could get knocked out, pulled into a tunnel, and shanghaied aboard some tramp lugger headed God-knows-where?

    When finding work was easy, and so were the women, and all politics was crooked, it was expected to be that way?

    Yeah boy, put me in that time machine. Just make sure my Colt Sheriff’s Model is in the pocket of my mackinaw.

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