Cleaning out the Storeroom

Actually, it is just that I have a bunch of links which I had the best of intentions to actually write posts about, but time hasn’t been something of ready supply in the past couple weeks so they’re still sitting in my ‘Links’ folder.

Time for a blogburst! (In no particular order)

Notice: Due to Rivrdog’s pointing out my misuse of the word “Blogburst” I am now calling this post a “Menage a Blog” (’cause I’m f*cking with everybody).

Amanda Byron is an instructor at Portland State University in, of course, Portland, Oregon.

I heard her a goodly while back on the local loony-left wing radio station here in Seattle talking about her course in “Deconstructing Violence�, but on the air it was referred to as “Enmification: The Art and Consequence of Enemy Making�, and of course, it was all about George W. Bush.

If you take a look at her bio page, she also teaches course on “Educating Nonviolent Children�, “Nonviolent Power and Privilege� and the clincher for me an my attitude for this leftist pap, “Peace Education�.

I wonder if she’d be peaceful if one of the ‘homeless youths’ that populate the City of Portland were to get cranked up on meth and break into her house to steal her DVD player?

Next up is this bit from just last Thursday. It seems that now that ‘Space Cadet Sheehan’ has left the Crawford Peace House and went national, the County Commissioners voted in new legislation making it illegal to block the narrow county roads, essentially telling the remaining professional Bush-Haters to get the f*ck out.

Needless to say, the perpetual victims still camped along the roadside are in a tizzy,

“The First Amendment allows us reasonable access to the president to express our rights,” Paul McDaniel, a Vietnam combat veteran, told commissioners the campsite is “sacred ground hallowed by the tears of families and mothers of our fallen heroes and the blood of our fallen sons and daughters.”

I pretty sure that the ‘heroes’ Mr. McDaniel is referring to are the ones who are “Occupying New Orleans� right now. And with full respect to Mr. McDaniel’s service, where did he get his ‘Drama Queen’ degree?

Speaking of New Orleans, ABC News decided that reporting only half of their poll because they couldn’t fit it into the “It’s All Bush’s Fault� storyline.

Their poll showed that 71% of Blacks and 21% of Whites thought that the response from government agencies would have been better if the population of the city had been “Wealthy and White�

But it also showed that 57% of same people were placing “A Great Deal� or “A Good Amount� of the slow response on state and local officials as opposed to Bush and the Federal response’s 45%.

If you can’t make the news, you’d better just control that which parts get out, I guess.

Oliver Willis (Occupation: Toole) received a jpg graphic the day the President made his “I accept responsibility�. It was made to look like a spoof of the NYT front page and stated “Citizens of Hell Report Crippling Ice Storm�.

Yeah, sure it could be considered funny, except that Drumwaster found that CNN had labeled their story of the President’s statement ‘’.

Oh, THAT Liberal Media!!!

BTW, have you all said hello to your big brothers lately? I don’t mean your older male siblings, I mean the government. It seems that the Dutch believe they have the technology and the want to track every child born after Jan. 1, 2007 for their entire lives.

Of course, it is ‘for the child’s protection’.

Coming soon to a state near you, folks.!

And now we go from the government doing more than it should to doing much, much less than it should.

Kirk at the Fun Turns to Tragedy blog found a post by Len at the One in a Row blog where he gives his daughter an earful on the subject of the New Orleans Gun Grab of 2005. It appears that being a father gives one the ability to speak at length on the subject of firearms and rights, since my dad would do the same without even my prompting with a question.

“I had her get copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights….and compare them to today’s newspaper.â€?

“Then she asked why she wasn’t being taught any of this in school, and I began speaking again.â€?

One of the things I was glad I didn’t hear about on the anniversary of September 11th was the alt.truth September 11th conspiracy whackos stealing the oxygen from their fellow New Yorkers while taking up space outside of Ground Zero.

Mean Mr. Mustard has the best quote of the day from that stretch of sidewalk,

The clamor was all too much for a passing tourist. “God bless America, you bitch!” he screamed in a thick accent.

“Go back to where you came from, you foreigner,” groused a fellow conspiracist.

“But I am French,” the tourist responded indignantly.

When the a Frenchman is more respectful of something than you are, you should really check yourself before you wreck yourself.

OK, that isn’t all of the links I have, but that is enough for today. Stop by tomorrow for “The Son of Menage� starring Some Poor Schmuck, The Reasonable Nut and Kevin Baker of the Smallest Minority and a wonderful supporting cast.

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One Response to Cleaning out the Storeroom

  1. Rivrdog says:

    In the Department of Redundant Nit-picking Department, I place a small criticism of the “Blogburst”:

    Isn’t a blogburst when numerous blogs all post on the same subject, or in the “blegging” version of a blogburst, when numerous blogs post on anything and link it to a charity or other worthy cause?

    What you have posted is really (damn, have to use a French word here) a “potpourri” or (double damn) a “melange” (not, not a “menage”, Professor Thai would arrange to study those). The Frogs, you see, have cornered the market on words to discribe unconnected collections of stuff.

    BTW, I should take umbrage at your slight of my Alma Mater, PSU, but I won’t, because it’s just another lib university now. When I went there, most of the student body were working stiffs trying to uplift their lives, and the night classes totalled more students than the day school side. Today, it’s just a blot on the landscape in SW Portland, and with the exception of a couple of Professors of department who can still think, abandoned the thinking process in favor of rote spouting of lefty propaganda long ago.

    And, in case you’ve noticed, I don’t root for their football team, either, I root for U of Oregon’s team, the Ducks (put last daughter through school there).

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