Goin’ South On Ya

By the time you read this, I’ll probably be in Portland, OR shooting with the folks there. I’ll be spending the night on the Loften Girl, Rivrdog’s watercraft and then getting up to go to the Practical Shotgun match in Sherwood.

That means that there will be no posting for Sunday until I get home from all that.

I am taking my camera though, so there will be pics to see on Monday. Hopefully lots of them.

Seeing as how Professor Booty has decided, once again, to send a cryptic message talking about ‘The ASSignment’ and then crawl back to incommunicado status, I have no other option than to post the message and the accompanying pic and hope he decides to show up tomorrow or at least write me explaining his situation.

The message was as follows,

“The ASSignment has been transferred in total, and so shall I be. My return will mark a new high point in Booty Dynamics Studies.

The new facility is magnificent. If things go as planned, the entire world will know my name and speak kindly of me only.�

OK Professor, whatever. Damn.


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One Response to Goin’ South On Ya

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Dambn! Third one from the left is a “Gappus Maximus”, and I’m sure the Perfesser has read all the studies relating to GM girlz and the probability of getting laid….

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